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Kudos are in order


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I've been a customer of IPB since 2004. Next month will be our 5 year anniversary. We have a large board/gallery/blog and use Parachat, as well. Throughout the five years, we have consistently received outstanding support from IPB. At this point, I can not imagine trying to run my business without them. Getting the supported solution (we have our own IPB supported server) was one of the smartest business decisions I made.

Example: We were having issues with our database off and on during the past few weeks. Despite all of the upgrade madness going on at the moment, the guys (especially Jason and Blake) kept at the issue until they found what was behind the crazy symptoms. Of course, they fixed it. They listen to my feedback about what is going on and use that as a starting point to dig into the problem.

As a note to new customers: During this extremely busy time, I would highly recommend that if you find it is necessary to put in an emergency ticket requiring immediate attention(such as having database errors which essentially take you offline, having errors that can't be worked around while you are in the pile, or if you have your board disappear from the planet), it can help things move along a little better if you put in the ticket AND call the support phone number and explain what's going on. IPB will then pull your ticket out of that massive pile of upgrade requests and issues they are currently wading through and get to work on it. (Normally, this is not necessary.)

Of course, it is best to only tell them that you have an emergency if you actually have an emergency.

As another note: I've never seen them as busy as they have been during this 3.0 upgrade. Typically, my support tickets are turned around immediately. I've always been so happy and now my members consider them part of our team. All I have to do is tell them that I've put in a ticket with support and they begin congratulating me for having such a great team... as if I was personally taking care of it for them. Nice.

So don't worry... the turn-around time will go back to normal once it is over. I'm not worried at all.

After this last round of fixes, I felt that it was time to publicly tell the entire IPB support team, "NICE JOB!"

Rozanne Paxman - CEO

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Well said, and I completely agree. While I might not be a business owner myself, I rely upon all of the support that IPS provides even fore the smallest of customers. I looked around before deciding on a forum software to use. I used the Better Business Bureau to look at all of the software for forums that you have to buy. IPB Certainly caught my eye with their A+ rating and excellent customer reviews, and was the natural choice after that. I'm glad I've sought community hosting (going to get a license and move to their website hosting I think) with them, their service is excellent, and I have never had a complaint.

Kudos IPS,
Edward V

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My hat is off to you... anyone can complain about poor customer service but not many people stop by and give thanks where it is deserved. And it definately is deserved, I would want anyone else to look after my forum. The service is second to none.

Give yourselves a pat on the back guys.

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  • Management

Thank you for your comments and for understanding that our response times are a bit slower than normal right now. Our staff is working amazingly hard to catch up and are making progress. Everyone here is looking forward to getting back to our normal response times :)

Of course there are times, especially with the volume of requests we get, a ticket will fall through the proverbial cracks but our staff works to keep that from happening. When it does happen a quick phone call or PM can set things back on track. No one should ever feel neglected and if you ever do feel free to contact me or someone else in management. We are happy to help and want to hear from you if we can do better. Don't worry though, we don't follow a "squeaky wheel" philosophy here - we will only escalate a request if it warrants more attention to keep the ticket wait process fair for all.

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+1'd @Brandon. Sure, they might be getting paid to do it, and sure, you might have had problems with them. But they are still people, they don't really have to be 'nice' about the way in which they deal with their customers. Of course however, they want customers (unlike vB apparently) and they want their customers to stay. They don't get paid to listen to our comments or concerns regarding the software that they produce, nor do they get paid to release codes that make the new IP board in some ways like the old one. They do so because they care, and they care because we do as well. I'm not an IPS cheerleader, I'm an IPS supporter, and I love it.

Edward V

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