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Suggestion to improve Hooks Update Checker


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There is already a topic about caching the check for the hooks version and to repeat it after a defined number of days so I'll skip that part :P

Actually the function that checks if an hook is updated or not based on the long version checks only if the Update URL returns 1 or 0 and based on that the board shows an upgrade link ONLY if you have setup a website url for the Hook. My idea is to expand a bit the data returned in this format:


In this way even if the website url is not specified for the hook (or if the url has changed) admins have always the latest url available that points to the direct url for the download based on the mod instead of pointing always to the website defined for the Hook.

A quick example for the link is:

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I think it could be expanded upon just because of its simplicity. I completely agree with not checking every time you load the hook page, since when you get alot of hooks that takes awhile. Since thats being discussed elsewhere, I won't comment.

I don't like that the download URL is static, I think the update check should be compared to an off-site XML file that lists version number, download link and whatever else. Then from that you can be pointed to either a direct HTTP download or a mod database where you must login. Just my 2 cents.

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Nice idea.

Remember, this is a "1.0" release of the hooks system. We wanted to keep it mostly simple (but make it as powerful as possible) so that we could gauge what would be useful to both modders and users alike, before going on a rampage trying to incorporate a bunch of things no one would ever use.

We'd also like to give modders a way to handle the updates through the resource site at some point, but haven't worked out details on that yet.

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That would be amazing hosted through resources. It would allow a central point for downloads and updates of the mods. So you wouldn't have to worry about all those 3rd party sites downloads and online status. Mod Authors then can control the updates of their mod through resources releasing the version there which then would connect with the board and alert of an update.

I love it.

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We have other even neater ideas. If a hook is just XML, there's not any real reason you couldn't just click a link in the ACP which would then auto install/update a hook for you. So some sort of hook browser/updater tool built right into the ACP would be neat.

Still, a ways off. ;)

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