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IP.Board Lo-Fi?

Guest Jean

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IP.Board Lo-Fi skin does not work properly. There are some javscrtip bugs, could you please change my current skin (Lo-Fi Skin) to "IP.Board" by default?

Thank you & Have a great day,


Sorry, I'm still unable to replace the IP.Board Lo-Fi skin to the default (IP.Board).

I'm still getting the error: Error on page.

View Page Source

Line: 26

Char: 4

Error: Object expected

Code: 0


That error is because the Lo-fi skin is incomplete. I was able to change the skin choice using IE7. But I did have to remove the previous cookies and log off at the same time.


Um, the lofi skin isn't even available anymore.

I just reset everyone using lofi skin back to default skin and it says 0 members updated.

I also checked the ACP and your skin choice is set to "None-Use board default".

So I'm not sure what your problems are stemming from now Jean.


Um, the lofi skin isn't even available anymore.

I just reset everyone using lofi skin back to default skin and it says 0 members updated.

I also checked the ACP and your skin choice is set to "None-Use board default".

So I'm not sure what your problems are stemming from now Jean.

It has been sorted :)
  • 1 month later...

Lo_Fi skin is a very low detailed version of ipb to show you how they start from scratch unlike vbulletin who got ideas from isnt very creative..Lo-fi is not really usefull unless you are using a play station portable or others if the space is to much you can use lo-fi its simple and easy to use ... Other wise lo-fi its just a simple thing


This topic is a bit outdated. The lofi skin is actually back now, though not complete. :whistle: It's only accessible from a few portable devices at the moment, however (such as blackberry and iphone).


Not for the lofi skin, no. Rikki has to refactor it a bit following his CSS condensing he's been working on, and multiple bug fixes in the main skin that need to be copied over to the lofi skin. We'll let you know when it's "done" so you can submit reports on it.


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