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Guest mtechnik

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:lol: I ran into this site today looking for a tutorial on header sessions. I dont know how, but i did.
I just want to point out that, its unfair to me how i invested well over $500 into this software and other 3rd party software or graphics to go with this software. Now I dont know how many of you straight developers out there feel, but for me, I think this is wrong and would love to see a better improvements in the upcoming 3.0's security and licensing. Sometimes I wonder is it because of these people that are doing this is the reasons behind the whole upping the price. I could be wrong, but im not wrong since this is my personal opinion. <_<

Anything looks familiar to you artists out there? this site has been around for a long time. :blink:

I do not know how they get away with any of this including other major software vender companies out there such as vbulletin and so on.

How could Invision Power stand by this and let them keep their licenses when they t-warez takes advantage to get legalized and purchase a license from here so they can give out ipb's commercial software's? does that make sense, sorry if it dosnt, i just type way too fast and think to fast. :rolleyes:

:o I believe we all need to stand up and help ban communities like this, stealing other people or companies hard work. This i stand by strongly. And some of you may think this is corny, but think for a moment, you only get away with things but so far, not just in life generally, but as proof with the link above, on the net as well. :unsure:

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In my opinion, IPS can't suspend their license. T-Warez have bought a license for IP.Board 2.3.x and they are using at exernal links & they're not uploading the files to their own servers. The legal way is to send their owner a request for shutting the forums (of "Invision Board") down.

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Jean, I don't think they can or may either, but that doesn't mean they won't. I mailed Nakisha about this and she said they would revoke a license if you don't abide by the ToS.
To me, that's bullcrap. I don't need IPS to tell me how to run my site.

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When you agree to a software company's terms of service to download a product, and then turn around and violate those terms, then a software company has every right to revoke your license. That's not them 'telling you how to run your site', it's you lying to them to get their product.

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Technically? They can. The chunk of EULA that applies is:

You may not:

* use the Software in such as way as to condone or encourage terrorism, promote or provide pirated Software, or any other form of illegal or damaging activity

And eXpy? Don't break the damn law and they wont. I think if their software is used in such a manner as to associate them with piracy or terrorism, then yeah they tell you to cut it out. Get over it. And here's another tip: the forum has badword filters for a reason. If an expletive you want to use is filtered, don't try getting around it. It aint your forum here, you don't make the rules.

Can you tell I'm a software developer? Can you tell IPS is staffed by software developers? Software developers, you know, don't like piracy because it deprives us of our living. Naff off.

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Some of them (the warez websites) are using their own servers and IPS cannot do anything with the situation. Don't forget, there are many countries that allow to activate the Warez-communities. so that's the major problem. I know we're not gonna do anything with it, IPS have the power to do it as they know.

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T-warez has been shut down many times, and most likely will be shut down again. We shut em down, they pop back up on another server, the cycle repeats. It's laborious, but like any other piracy issue just report it and move on and let us do what we need to do.

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