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IPB3 Shoutbox feature suggestion

Guest Will Munny

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How about setting up an SSI/Include system for the shoutbox so it can be included on other areas of a website, such as standard html pages... much like the existing SSI set up can do?


The Shoutbox is a community project and hasn't even been said that it will be released with IPB3. It's not a 'core feature of the next IPB release', much like the other community project, IP.Tracker. It's entirely separate from IPB3 and not developed by IPS. IPS only sponsors it.

Ideally these suggestions would go in the respective IPS Resources forum to get more directed attention, but they don't seem to have created one yet. It's a good suggestion, nonetheless.


Probably a forum for IP.Shoutbox is already created but hidden to normal members until a first release of it.

Or people will start posting suggestions over suggestions without having seen IP.Shoutbox yet :lol:


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