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Tutorial Videos

Guest Michael P

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I just played one of the tutorial videos (upgrading IPB) and have some comments on them:

Firstly it seemed a little odd going to a non IPS url, then the video itself didn't seem official or professional as there was a messy desktop and the users computer username was something like killer. The text at the bottom was a little small - would be nice if it was a little bigger, and easier to read.

Now my main gripe with it is piracy / software license violation. When the user goes to extract the archive they are instructed that their trial of winzip has expired and that winzip is not free software. The words Pot, Kettle and Black spring to mind :P

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Now my main gripe with it is piracy / software license violation. When the user goes to extract the archive they are instructed that their trial of winzip has expired and that winzip is not free software. The words Pot, Kettle and Black spring to mind :P

I hope this part was a joke. :P

We are looking into redoing these videos. We have already re-recorded the installation and upgrade ones, and are touching them.
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It could have been worse. Some of you may have read the Fark or Slashdot on this guy who posted his 'k001' new desktop image..


Try them again. I couldn't get the sizing of the video vs page sizing vs file size perfect, so they're a bit big, but much clearer.. Went for clarity.

Dang thats a big ewwww >_< Why would you not blotch that out at the least... dumb people.
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Not at this time, no.

What type of videos would you recommend for users?

Basic functions fo the forum software.
-How to register
-view profile

Even a good html how-to tutorial would be good, IMO
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