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Profile Enhancements / Fixes (Drap / Drop Sidebars)

Guest .Ryan

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I took an idea from Luke but some of these things need to be done in the future or for a next release.

- Could you please make the year in birthday optional + have an option in AdminCP to hide a person's age and year to the public for everyone.

I don't have a problem with displaying my age, but I don't want guests seeing it or I don't want to input the year because people are biased about how old someone is ect, and some people don't want to display their actual age if they are "old" (<= 30 :rolleyes: ). Simple, nothing major.

- Add the ability to add to the warn notes without incrementing or decreasing the warn level

Although there in a option in the ACP for this, its useless when a moderator wants to add a note to a persons account saying well he / she stole this, flamed this, acting suspicious, whatever. Plus only the ACP users have access to this, and it does not display to non-ACP permission groups. Would be nice.

I think a major improvement would be to allow dragging and dropping of the sidebars, such as in the IP. Blog. Thats really nice and would be cool to have people "customize" their profile. Also maybe the possibility to add a "custom content bloc" so you could post some info, a meebo widget, some graphics, a last FM thing, paypal donation button basically anything you want to add. An option in the ACP would be to allow x number of content blocks or disable entirely. Allow BBCode / HTML ect. (the center block of information should be static and not move)

Another needed feature is that you can customize your contact screenames. Yes I know you can edit them but who has an ICQ? I think we should be able to input a IM Program IM Graphic and then the actual screenname. So basically setting wise [Graphic] [Client] [User Input] --> Xfire Logo Xfire TheStealthGuy
or if it was AIM or something, it would be like you see it now. You should also be able to add and remove the IM fields up to a certain number set in the ACP. So I can add 10 IM fields or only 5.

Thanks just some tune ups, nothing major. ;)

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