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Site / Forum Oddities

Guest Mark

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I've noticed a few things on the forums and website, and thought I'd post to let you know.
Nothing major, just little quirks.

  1. There are two options for german in the language selector, both display the forums in english
  2. IDM is installed, but we have no permission to view it (there is a "Files" tab in the profile, and see here)
  3. The blog / gallery purchase pages are different to the idm one
    Blog/Gallery - compared to - IDM
  4. Not sure if this is intended, but there is still no IDM feedback forum, even though it has pages on the website
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I've noticed a few things on the forums and website, and thought I'd post to let you know.

Nothing major, just little quirks.

  1. There are two options for german in the language selector, both display the forums in english
  2. IDM is installed, but we have no permission to view it (there is a "Files" tab in the profile, and see here)
These two have been around for a while, I am pretty sure the first one is a bug though since I had a spanish language pack on my site and when I upgraded to IPB 2.2.2 it didn't work. I had to wait for Nimdock to upgrade it, then once I reimported it the Spanish language pack worked once again. :)
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