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Guest MC--

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Well i installed IP.Converge smoothly, importing of the members and setting went well, but my host requires me to have the


set to 1, in the conf_global.php. I wanted to know why Converge can't be run in safe mode. If i attempt to run my board or converge in safe mode, the cache files aren't written. I tried adding


to the conf_global.php in the admin dir, but it returned an "IPS Driver Error". I have little IPB experience, since i made the switch from SMF. Can someone please help? As i said Converge looks impressive! I plan to create a community (promoting Converge) and linking gaming clan boards together. :thumbsup:

P.S: My Converge installation is ioncube encoded.


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Firstly, I'd reccomend a new host! A host that forces scripts to run in safe mode isn't brilliant.

But to solve your actual problem, IP. Converge has no such option in the conf_global file - are you sure your host is not referring to IP. Board? If that is the case, you need to open conf_global.php in your board installation and find this:


and change it to:


This will mean that your cache files are not written - it's the whole idea of safe mode. ;)

If you are having problems - tell your host to do it themselves! :lol:

Have a nice day,

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Guest Piracy_Is_Evil

Check the pre-requirements for IP.Board and Converge --- I think converge requires safe mode to be off...

You really should try real hosting. IPS offers it for 10$ a month, and that comes with top of the line support. (you get something we dont - you can page an emergency tech to help you!)

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I can't complain, it's a free host with no ads. In the Converge conf_global.php "$INFO['safe_mode']='0';" is not there, does that mean i can't use Converge in safe mode?

If its not in that file, then I believe its not setup to use safe mod. I would open a ticket in the client area, or post at IPS Beyond to find out more info. Who ever is managing the product would be able to tell you. If you want free hosting, I can PM you a great host. :whistle:
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Converge is not yet supported, and as such we are not providing support for it via the client area.

If you are actually talking about IP.Board, then you are free to open a ticket. If you are truly speaking of Converge, try posting at IPS Beyond, or submit a bug report to the bug tracker.

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IP.Board has nothing to do with this. If Converge isn't supported in safe mode, would that be a bug? Or maybe the scripts can't be executed in safe mode. Who is currently managing the product?

I really have no intention of buying hosting since my Board isn't that "top-priority". Its just a clan board with 150 members who post ever so often, and I don't have any problems with my current host except that scripts run in safe mode. :( But thanks for the suggestion, if my board becomes critical for me I will choose to move it over to a paid web-hoster such as the one Invision provides.

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I believe I read that they are working on other projects before Converge.

I would assume that it would be Nexus and Dynamic, so that when they are released Converge will be able to work with them also. :)


Is this ever going to go past PB1? That is what I want to know...

Yes. :rolleyes: We have a few other higher priorities right now however.

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1) Converge is beta - it's not an officially released fully functional final version. There are bugs. That's the point of a beta. We'll fix them when we can.
2) We just got back from an extended holiday (for Christmas). We have a day off for New Years coming up as well.
3) We just released IPB 2.2, Gallery 2.1, Blog 1.3, and IDM 1.1. Yes, we're a tad busy right now.

There is no time-frame expectancy involving bug reports and when they will be fixed. :thumbsup:

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I tried Zend mode.

Now i get Fatal error: Unable to read 23097 bytes in /home/vhosts/mieraforum.nytka.org/httpdocs/forum/converge/install/core/ipsclass.php on line 0

I read i have to upload encoded files in Binary mode, but where are my encoded files? There is no zend folder? Do i need to download the free Zend package from their site?

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