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Upgrading custom skin

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yesterday I downloaded a test board to see how my custom skins would look on IPB 2.2, and found out they are not compatible with this new version. I know it's a common problem as I read other posts about it.

I also know that 2.2.0 RC 3 is not the final release but I would still like to learn how to optimize my skins for this 2.2.0 RC 3 so that I won't have to start from scratch when the final version is released.

So far I have these problems:

Navigation link below the header in IPB 2.1.7


And how it looks in 2.2.0 RC 3


Instead of "forum" "topic" "replies" etc, I have {ipb.langs...}


Board Stats:


Does anyone know how to fix these things? I'd appreciate having the possibility to get familiar with how to handle custom skins in this new version.



yesterday I downloaded a test board to see how my custom skins would look on IPB 2.2, and found out they are not compatible with this new version. I know it's a common problem as I read other posts about it.

I also know that 2.2.0 RC 3 is not the final release but I would still like to learn how to optimize my skins for this 2.2.0 RC 3 so that I won't have to start from scratch when the final version is released.

So far I have these problems:

Navigation link below the header in IPB 2.1.7


And how it looks in 2.2.0 RC 3


Instead of "forum" "topic" "replies" etc, I have {ipb.langs...}


Board Stats:


Does anyone know how to fix these things? I'd appreciate having the possibility to get familiar with how to handle custom skins in this new version.


Clean-up Tools under the tools and settings tab

Convert IPB 2.1.x Template HTML Logic to IPB 2.2.x Template HTML Logic <-- run this tool
Clean-up Tools

under the

tools and settings


Convert IPB 2.1.x Template HTML Logic to IPB 2.2.x Template HTML Logic

<-- run this tool

Thanks for the reply.

I run the tool, but it changed nothing. Anything else I can try? I don't have a problem going into the CSS advanced mood. I would just need t know what needs to be edited.

go to HTML

All Global HTML the global header aand replace it all with this

<script type="text/javascript">
 var ipb_var_st            = "{$this->ipsclass->input['st']}";
 var ipb_lang_tpl_q1       = "{$this->ipsclass->lang['tpl_q1']}";
 var ipb_var_s             = "{$this->ipsclass->session_id}";
 var ipb_var_phpext        = "{$this->ipsclass->vars['php_ext']}";
 var ipb_var_base_url      = "{$this->ipsclass->js_base_url}";
 var ipb_var_image_url     = "{$this->ipsclass->vars['img_url']}";
 var ipb_input_f           = "{$this->ipsclass->input['f']}";
 var ipb_input_t           = "{$this->ipsclass->input['t']}";
 var ipb_input_p           = "{$this->ipsclass->input['p']}";
 var ipb_var_cookieid      = "{$this->ipsclass->vars['cookie_id']}";
 var ipb_var_cookie_domain = "{$this->ipsclass->vars['cookie_domain']}";
 var ipb_var_cookie_path   = "{$this->ipsclass->vars['cookie_path']}";
 var ipb_md5_check         = "{$this->ipsclass->md5_check}";
 var ipb_new_msgs          = {$this->ipsclass->member['new_msg']};
 var use_enhanced_js       = {$this->ipsclass->can_use_fancy_js};
 var use_charset           = "{$this->ipsclass->vars['gb_char_set']}";
 var ipb_myass_chars_lang  = "{$this->ipsclass->lang['myass_chars']}";
 var ajax_load_msg		   = "{$this->ipsclass->lang['ajax_loading_msg_new']}";
<script type="text/javascript" src='jscripts/ips_ipsclass.js'></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src='jscripts/ipb_global.js'></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src='jscripts/ips_menu.js'></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src='{$this->ipsclass->vars['img_url']}/folder_js_skin/ips_menu_html.js'></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src='cache/lang_cache/{$this->ipsclass->lang_id}/lang_javascript.js'></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var ipsclass = new ipsclass();
ipsclass.settings['do_linked_resize'] = parseInt( "{$this->ipsclass->vars['resize_linked_img']}" );
ipsclass.settings['resize_percent']   = parseInt( "{$this->ipsclass->vars['resize_img_percent']}" );
<div class="borderwrap">
	<div id="logostrip"><a href='{$this->ipsclass->base_url}'><!--ipb.logo.start--><img src='style_images/<#IMG_DIR#>/logo4.gif' style='vertical-align:top' alt='IPB' border='0' /><!--ipb.logo.end--></a></div>
	<div id="submenu">
			<div class='ipb-top-left-link'><a href="{$this->ipsclass->vars['home_url']}">{$this->ipsclass->vars['home_name']}</a></div>
			<div class='ipb-top-left-link'><a href="{$this->ipsclass->base_url}act=home">{$this->ipsclass->vars['csite_title']}</a></div>
		<div class='ipb-top-right-link'><a href="{$this->ipsclass->base_url}act=Help">{$this->ipsclass->lang['tb_help']}</a></div>
		<div class='ipb-top-right-link' id="ipb-tl-search"><a href="{$this->ipsclass->base_url}act=Search&amp;f={$this->ipsclass->input['f']}">{$this->ipsclass->lang['tb_search']}</a></div>
		<div class='ipb-top-right-link'><a href="{$this->ipsclass->base_url}act=Members">{$this->ipsclass->lang['tb_mlist']}</a></div>
		<div class='ipb-top-right-link'><a href="{$this->ipsclass->base_url}act=calendar">{$this->ipsclass->lang['tb_calendar']}</a></div>
		<if="$component_links != """>
		<div class='popupmenu-new' id='ipb-tl-search_menu' style='display:none;width:210px'>
			<form action="{$this->ipsclass->base_url}act=Search&amp;CODE=01" method="post">
				<input type='hidden' name='forums' id='gbl-search-forums' value='all' /> 
				<input type="text" size="20" name="keywords" id='ipb-tl-search-box' />
				<input class="button" type="image" style='border:0px' src="{$this->ipsclass->vars['img_url']}/login-button.gif" />
				<if="($this->ipsclass->input['act'] == 'sf' OR $this->ipsclass->input['act'] == 'st') AND $this->ipsclass->input['f']">
					<br /><input type='checkbox' id='gbl-search-checkbox' value='1' onclick='gbl_check_search_box()' checked='checked' /> {$this->ipsclass->lang['gbl_forum_search']}
			<div style='padding:4px'>
				<a href='{$this->ipsclass->base_url}act=Search'>{$this->ipsclass->lang['gbl_more_search']}</a>
		<script type="text/javascript">
			ipsmenu.register( "ipb-tl-search", 'document.getElementById("ipb-tl-search-box").focus();' );
<if="$this->ipsclass->can_use_fancy_js != 0">
<script type="text/javascript" src='jscripts/ips_xmlhttprequest.js'></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src='jscripts/ipb_global_xmlenhanced.js'></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src='jscripts/dom-drag.js'></script>
<div id='get-myassistant' style='display:none;width:400px;text-align:left;'>
<div class="borderwrap">
 <div class='maintitle' id='myass-drag' title='{$this->ipsclass->lang['myass_drag']}'>
  <div style='float:right'><a href='#' onclick='document.getElementById("get-myassistant").style.display="none"'>[X]</a></div>
 <div id='myass-content' style='overflow-x:auto;'></div>
<!-- Loading Layer -->
<div id='loading-layer' style='display:none'>
	<div id='loading-layer-shadow'>
	   <div id='loading-layer-inner'>
	 	<img src='style_images/<#IMG_DIR#>/loading_anim.gif' border='0' alt='{$this->ipsclass->lang['ajax_loading_msg']}' />
		<span style='font-weight:bold' id='loading-layer-text'>{$this->ipsclass->lang['ajax_loading_msg']}</span>
<!-- / Loading Layer -->
<!-- Msg Layer -->
<div id='ipd-msg-wrapper'>
	<div id='ipd-msg-title'>
		<a href='#' onclick='document.getElementById("ipd-msg-wrapper").style.display="none"; return false;'><img src='style_images/<#IMG_DIR#>/close.png' alt='X' title='Close Window' class='ipd' /></a> &nbsp; <strong>{$this->ipsclass->lang['gbl_sitemsg_header']}</strong>
	<div id='ipd-msg-inner'><span style='font-weight:bold' id='ipd-msg-text'></span><div class='pp-tiny-text'>{$this->ipsclass->lang['gbl_auto_close']}</div></div>
<!-- Msg Layer -->
<!-- / End board header -->

Still nothing changes. :(

Maybe I'll rebuild the custom skin from scratch using the IBP default one as a base. It's just a lot more work...

Thank you for the help.

I ended up having to recreate my forum skin in 2.2 which is actually better since it isn't upgraded, its made for it :P

I suggest you just remake it too. Won't take that long.

I ended up having to recreate my forum skin in 2.2 which is actually better since it isn't upgraded, its made for it :P

I suggest you just remake it too. Won't take that long.

I like your skin on your from.
I can buy it with PAYPAL?

Or i can buy the skins original extreme super for 2.2? (w00t)


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