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Ability to Save Search Preferences (With AJAX)

Guest Defenestration

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.Timmy the main part of his request was that IPB would remember your search preferences. He only stated that it would be nice if it used ajax but I'm assuming he doesn't *want* it to use ajax.

I thought that IPB did remember your search preferences but I guess not so I stand with Defenestration.

+1 for IPB to remember search preferences.

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I'd like to think I'm no fan-boy of any product :lol:

It all comes down to where the prefs are stored. If they are stored in cookies, then there is no need for AJAX. If they are stored on the server (which is what I had in mind), then would I be right in thinking that AJAX is appropriate for this task ?

I'm no expert when it comes to web development, but noticed that vB uses AJAX to save search prefs, so I assumed it must have a purpose. :)

As I understand it, AJAX is used if you want to interact with a web server changing small amounts of data without having to reload the page.

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I'd like to think I'm no fan-boy of any product :lol:

It all comes down to where the prefs are stored. If they are stored in cookies, then there is no need for AJAX. If they are stored on the server (which is what I had in mind), then would I be right in thinking that AJAX is appropriate for this task ?

I'm no expert when it comes to web development, but noticed that vB uses AJAX to save search prefs, so I assumed it must have a purpose. :)

As I understand it, AJAX is used if you want to interact with a web server changing small amounts of data without having to reload the page.

There are some cases where the overhead of XMLHTTP coding just isn't worth the benefits. This is one.
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I would like them to be stored on the server so that they are remembered even if my cookies are deleted.

Out of all the improvements that could be implemented for the next release of IPB (after 2.2), the ability to remember search prefs along with an improved search (mentioned here: http://forums.invisionpower.com/index.php?showtopic=228751 ) are the features (and core ones at that, for a forum) missing most from IPB. Why ?

Well, whenever you visit a forum for the first time existing members will often ask people to use the search feature before asking questions to see if it has already been answered before. For people to do this, you have to make the search feature as easy to use and convenient as possible and the improvements I've suggested go a long way to achieving this.

Please, almighty IPB staff, can you make these search improvements to the next version ?

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