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Building XML skin files

Guest Arancaytar

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The "import skin" option in the admin panel is very convenient. As I am a co-admin and do not actually have FTP access to the server the installation is on, it allows me to install new skins without having to upload files directly to the server.

Now, the problem is that this also means I can't make any XML files. To create or change a skin (especially its image set), you need to fiddle around with it on the server you are running IPB on (essentially on the "live production" version). After that, it can be exported relatively easily. But there is practically no way to change or create skins without having direct access to a server IPB runs on.

Is this intentional?

If not, it would be a great thing to extricate XML-export tool from the main software in some way, so it could be used separately...



1) Setup a test board (which is allowed under the license)
2) Make your skin on the test board - yes, you need to edit images directly and upload via FTP
3) Export skin from test board (and export images)
4) Import skin/images to live board


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