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sort emoticons

Guest Avonlea22

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Adult eh. lol


lol, I knew if I snuck that one in, someone would say something. :P

I don't think most users are too worried about the order of their emoticons personally

Well, some forums use alot of emoticons. I have quite a few on my board, and it would be nice to have them organized in some way. It's usually the gaming forums and fan sites that use alot of smileys, and they would really appreciate a way to make it easier for them. :)
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Or, with the new "next", "previous" buttons, we could re-word them to categories, or choose which emotions to display on page 1, page 2, etc.

I dislike that, I prefer having the scroller available in this case. It doesn't even look right at the moment never mind work, before when it had the dividers it looked mint.
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I Have "Emoticon Category Browser" And in my board I have 854 Smilies, and before that Mod It was a real pain with 300 o more, that page tooks to long time to reload, etc.

If IPS can implement this in 2.2, it'll be a major Step.

Sorry for my poor english.
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I am hoping that you get user-by-user customized emoticons. Different users like different emoticons, so it's better if we left the management up to them. This way they have their favorites on the first page, and then the others further down.

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Something I think would be very cool, would be to order the emoticons by popularity, so everytime a particular emote is used in a post, add to it's usage count. That way the most used ones will appear first and be easier to use.

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Something I think would be very cool, would be to order the emoticons by popularity, so everytime a particular emote is used in a post, add to it's usage count. That way the most used ones will appear first and be easier to use.

That's a clever idea, mate, but it also has some drawbacks. Members expect certain smilies to be visible, and each person's pet smiley may differ. While it may be cool to see the list reorganize itself, it would probably also have a disorienting effect. Of course, on the flip side of that argument you could say that new smilies on the one-click list may encourage members to experiment with the "show all" instead of ignore the entire repository of emoticons. :ermm:
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