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Why the sexist language in IPB?

Guest AChick

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As you can probably ascertain from my username, I'm not a male. I'm sure that there are many other Board Administrators of my gender out there, as well, and I'm sure that Invision is aware of this. Why, then, do the emails sent to me from my board to alert me of new registrations open with "Hello Mr. Admin Sir!"? I don't feel that I should have to delve into and edit language files in order to keep from being addressed as a man. My feature suggestion is that you get with the times and not make assumptions about the gender of those using your software.

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I have two parts of this.

While one, yes not all admins are women, second I find this to be just one of those "I am a woman hear me roar" annoying 'Barneys Girlfriend'y things.

I wouldn't mind having them changed, but I wouldn't go so far as calling it sexist. It's not like they hate women, it's just stastically more men are admins.

I don't see you 'Barneys Girlfriend'ing that you have lower insurance payments then males... hmm. :P

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I don't think it's so weird to suggest that a company might be alienating some of its customers by building false assumptions into its software. If you were using a program that continually addressed you as "Madam," you might find it a bit odd. Or say they coded IPB to begin all of the Admin emails sent to you with "Dear Edward." You would probably want to ask them why all of the Admin emails addressed you as Edward, because that probably isn't your name, and it would probably seem strange to you that they assumed it was. Same deal.

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I don't see you 'Barneys Girlfriend'ing that you have lower insurance payments then males... hmm. :P

No need to turn this into a misogyny topic and prove the OP's point. ;)

When people register on my board they can choose "Male", "Female", or "I'm not telling". This answer becomes part of their profile. Why not do the same thing in the IPB installer? If you choose female, then the board refers to the root admin as such.
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No need to turn this into a misogyny topic and prove the OP's point. ;)

When people register on my board they can choose "Male", "Female", or "I'm not telling". This answer becomes part of their profile. Why not do the same thing in the IPB installer? If you choose female, then the board refers to the root admin as such.

So what happens if you choose not telling? :P
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I don't think it's so weird to suggest that a company might be alienating some of its customers by building false assumptions into its software. If you were using a program that continually addressed you as "Madam," you might find it a bit odd. Or say they coded IPB to begin all of the Admin emails sent to you with "Dear Edward." You would probably want to ask them why all of the Admin emails addressed you as Edward, because that probably isn't your name, and it would probably seem strange to you that they assumed it was. Same deal.

As I said, I dont' hear you complaining that we MALES get pay more for insurance because of statistics, why complain about being addressed in an e-mail because of statistics, one costs money, the other hurts your ego (if you have that weak an ego)

While I do understand that it should be changed, you come off as one of those ranting women that think everything is a personal attack on the fact that you're a woman. It isn't.
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So what happens if you choose not telling? :P

Then your profile says "Gender: I'm not telling." :huh:

As I said, I dont' hear you complaining that we MALES get pay more for insurance because of statistics...

That has absolutely no relevance to this topic, and neither does your personal opinion of the OP's intent. You agreed it should be changed. 'Nuff said.
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That has absolutely no relevance to this topic, and neither does your personal opinion of the OP's intent. You agreed it should be changed. 'Nuff said.

While I find it okay to come up with reasons, I don't find it okay to complain at the IPB staff as if they were personally attacking women.

I think the problem is you're taking "Mr. Admin Sir" to be a serious greeting...

Haha I can't help by kinda smirk at it, because it seems so over the edge it's silly.
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Where was that exactly?

1) Sexist is hardly used in a positive manner, or a kind manner, in this case it isn't.
2) "and I'm sure that Invision is aware of this" hinting that "Well I know you don't care"
3) "My feature suggestion is that you get with the times and not make assumptions about the gender of those using your software."

Get with the times? That sounds pretty offensive.
Assumptions of genders? Comeon.

I mean we're talking about a hand full of lines of code, that this person is chewing them out on. They're basically what makes everyone cringe at feminism, which can't look past the fact that most people, including women, don't give a damn, and if they do, they *smacks forehead* chagne the code like the rest of us have to! The software works fine, sure they can, and should add it at one point, but don't act like they're attacking you through using "Sir" or are from the 16th century, or that it's an issue that must be resolved right now or all women are going to stop using the software.

A simple:

Hi I'm a female admin of a forum, and noticed some e-mails addessed me as "sir", I figure it should be changed to find out based on the sex of the user put in.

Instead of calling Invisionize Sexist, assumptions, and "old times" software, as if they do it to purposely make women feel inferrior. No they went "Uh... how do I write a letter to myself... oh. 'dear sir,' done with that code..."

Would have been fine, to the point, and wouldn't have been kicking IPB in the crotch screaming "I'm a woman, hear me roar!"

I mean many of us feel that we shouldn't have to dive into files to edit things, but tough faeces, we're stuck with that for MANY featuers we want till 3.0, I'm just saying suggest, make it sound less of a "OMG I can't use IPB anymore" problem and kick back like the rest of us.

I mean geez are we reading the same posts ;)

I dunno maybe I put too much thought into WHO I'm complaining too, IPB is great software, I want them to know that I respect their work and don't want to sound like I think they've done me wrong in any way.

(BTW: I find the language filter on this hilarious :D)
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Of course, it is meant to be humorous!

AChich, you can change any text of e-mails sent out at your language section in ACP -> Look & Feel -> Languages -> Manage Languages -> Edit

To change the "sir" find "lang_email_content" and search for "<ibf.lang.admin_newuser>".

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Get with the times? That sounds pretty offensive.


Once you've been here a while you'll see why that's funny. You've obviously not seen a "pretty offensive" post yet, lol. Anyway, I think the OP was just looking for female board owners to be respected as equals. I understand what Rikki is saying about the Easter Egg aspect, but I think that applies more to the tongue and cheek phrasing of the salutation itself rather than the gender it is addressing.

If you consider board owners such as Debbie, Sunlite, Blush, et al, you'll realize that they are equally-capable operators who deserve equal respect.
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I always found "Hello Mr. Admin Sir!" rather amusing every time I read it in one of those emails. :D

Of course, it is meant to be humorous!

Exactly, it is a joke; personally I don't see the big deal about it. It certainly does not make IPB sexist gramatically speaking... besides, it can be easily changed.
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Lines 2408-2410 of /sources/action_public/moderate.php:

        // Still here? We're damn good to go sir!

I demand this brutal misogynist oppression end!

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Lines 2408-2410 of /sources/action_public/moderate.php:

        // Still here? We're damn good to go sir!

I demand this brutal misogynist oppression end!

:lol: You owe me a keyboard! My old one has coffee in it now. :(
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Lines 2408-2410 of /sources/action_public/moderate.php:

        // Still here? We're damn good to go sir!

I demand this brutal misogynist oppression end!

No, we will continue to oppress women through our commenting of code, damn those women using the internets! :thumbsup:
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