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Sounds in IPB?

Guest Amir2090

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I was thinking of how nice it would be to add some sounds to the whole IPB.
For instance, you could hear a choosable sound when a pm pops up.
Or users could select some sort of jingle to be played when their profile is being displayed. . .

what do you think?

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I do agree (with the RUN AWAY sentiment) but ... if this evil force were unleashed ... I can think of some fun to be had if you could apply different awful midis and what-not to particular forums and so on.

Well, it would be funny once, for three seconds, probably.

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It's doable on your own, I've done it, it gets annoying after a while though....

Just add the good old embed tags in the HTML area of your choice

<embed src="url" loop=false></embed>

That may or not make the box visible, but if it is just google search for the piece to add for hiing.

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well, i'm pretty sure that listening repeatedly to the same clip endlessly would be more than crappy. . . but obviously there should be an ON/OFF option for that at all times.

i also think that given the fact that it all depends on the the admins/users choice, giving the mere possibility to implement another media device would just be an improvement.

hypertext. . . yeah, of course, but does this mean that avatars and profiles are useless too? The answer is yes :) but isn't it funny?

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I think a better idea and one I've thought about since the ikonboard days is a proper desktop client that keeps you up to date on your online community. Several people made pretty good attempts at something similar a while back, but unfortunately the security issue made making it personal and useful a bit difficult.

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I think a better idea and one I've thought about since the ikonboard days is a proper desktop client that keeps you up to date on your online community. Several people made pretty good attempts at something similar a while back, but unfortunately the security issue made making it personal and useful a bit difficult.


Would be interesting to make, what we're the security issues though?
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Authenticating from a desktop application via a php script isn't the most secure solution really.


Well, would the application basically be a duplicate of the forum, so you can read topics and such? Or would it be the sort of thing you can make a notification for so it has a little popup that says "{name} has replied to {topic} inside {forum} at {time}"?
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I think a better idea and one I've thought about since the ikonboard days is a proper desktop client that keeps you up to date on your online community. Several people made pretty good attempts at something similar a while back, but unfortunately the security issue made making it personal and useful a bit difficult.


I've been think of something like that for a while now - I think .net webservices can make that a reality but not PHP
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Authenticating depending on how it would work wouldn't be that hard, if i can find an example of on the desktop things it's something i'd want to look into.

Authenticating of the desktop application which i assume would be in something like C/C++/C#/Java and so on, could interact with PHP enough to work.

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I was thinking of how nice it would be to add some sounds to the whole IPB.

For instance, you could hear a choosable sound when a pm pops up.

Or users could select some sort of jingle to be played when their profile is being displayed. . .

what do you think?



I think the option whether to use sounds would be a good one. Then it would be up to the individual board owner whether to use it or not.
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Authenticating from a desktop application via a php script isn't the most secure solution really.


After talking with Stewart, this isn't a security issue really.

All you do is mimic HTTP POST headers to make it look like the login was done through a browser.

Working on a IPB Alerts client in Java, should be interesting.
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