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Ryan H.

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Everything posted by Ryan H.

  1. I don't experience any such problem. I know others have been able to install this release as well. Not sure what to tell you. I'll have to look into it. Not yet. My time is limited. I have a bunch of bug reports collected that I plan to investigate sometime in the next week.
  2. I have a possible fix, but I can't reproduce to know if it works. Do you have any other addons touching the forum form? In particular, I'm told 'Pre-Defined Topic Fields' might cause that.
  3. Thanks, I'll look into that trace, and the break class. Well, you can do that to an extent through search. I don't plan to implement in-forum filtering by tag/prefix; from previous research, it would be pretty invasive into the core. Looks like the same issue as Gnuru ran into. I'll look into it, thanks.
  4. You're welcome to try, but I doubt it would work very well. No, there is no sort of hierarchy in tags or prefixes.
  5. That's expected behavior. The app changes all prefixes to predefined only -- you have to set them up within the app (community > AT&P > Prefixes) for them to be accessible. No user-set prefixes.
  6. As I've explained earlier, that message on the support tool means nothing and can be safely ignored. There's a button it ignore it. If you must use the support tool, click that. I'll have it fixed in the next update. I don't know what this means. Please explain.
  7. Again, send me a log from it. I don't have such a problem.
  8. Could be related. Thanks for the log, that gives me something to investigate. You can try it. I don't know. I think there were changes in 4.1 search I'm not aware of and haven't accounted for.
  9. Yes, that is correct. Just be sure to back your site up before you start anything.
  10. Um. okay... I'll look into all those things. But those have absolutely nothing to do with the message displayed on the support tool. Like I said, that support message means nothing. Just ignore it. The blank tag pages don't really mean anything either. Everything that's supposed to display does display, right at the beginning. But again, I'll look into it. What version of IPS do you have installed? What settings did you enter for the tag cloud widget?
  11. Probably out of my control. If they show up on desktop but not on mobile, that means those pieces are being explicitly hidden by the responsive CSS. You could certainly modify your theme to show them, but that won't be part of the app. Thanks for the suggestion. I think that's a bit of a special use case / out of scope for this app, though. You're welcome to ask around for custom development, but it's not something I plan to add in the foreseeable future. Please clarify the actual error, and send me the related log (from uploads/logs) if possible. 'red message' doesn't tell me much. That would be a massive behavioral change. Not likely to happen. Please try it again, then send me recently modified log files (from uploads/logs). That's not an error I can reproduce. Not a problem I'm aware of. I'll have to investigate and get back to you. You can ignore that warning (there is a button to skip it). Nothing is actually wrong, everything will work fine. I'll make a change in the next update to make it go away.
  12. Please explain how you would expect it to work.
  13. You enter a search term and tags to add to results manually. It doesn't automatically turn titles into tags.
  14. Yes, under 'advanced tools', there is a feature to search topic titles and add a prefix or tags to all results. Thanks. Nothing unexpected--the schema is already exactly what IPS's support tool is telling you to change the schema to. At this point, I don't have an answer for you except that it isn't actually a problem and you can disregard the warning. See my response to Gabriel, same situation. You can disregard the warning, nothing is actually wrong except the tool telling you something is wrong. As for the cloud issue, can you send me the exact settings you tried, and any associated error log if possible (in uploads/logs/*.php)? e: I was able to reproduce the support tool issue on a clean install and found the discrepancy. Schema did not have a default of 0 defined, but MySQL evidently assumes it. Easy fix. I'll include that with the next release.
  15. What's New in Version 3.1.3 Released Just now Fixed possible group error on tag edit in IPS 4.1.4+. Fixed potential errors on node duplication and saving. Fixed an error when adding tags with the mass-add tool. Improved tag manager on IPS 4.1.6+; tags will now be split out by app and area.
  16. DESCRIBE advancedtagsprefixes_node_settings;
  17. I've just updated my development install to I have not seen any errors whatsoever. Can you provide any further info? To be clear: Is this only when you run the support tool? You aren't experiencing any other problems with the app? Frankly, I haven't a clue. I set the schema for that column when the table was first added (in 3.1.0), and I haven't made any changes to it since. It should have been created correctly, and running those queries certainly should have fixed any discrepancy. My best guess is there is something in your version or settings of MySQL that is making the IPS schema checker think your column doesn't match, and so it gives you those queries to 'fix' it. All that to say: I strongly suspect it's IPS's issue, not mine; I can't reproduce it; you're almost certainly safe ignoring it. You should have a 'continue anyway' button you could use to get around it. I would be curious to know what the schema of that table looks like in your database, if you can open it up in PHPMA or the SQL toolbox. Can't guarantee I would see or be able to do anything about it though.
  18. Thanks, I'll look into that. Not sure where those queries are actually coming from. Are you updating AT&P at the same time? What previous version?
  19. I have not tested with 4.1.6. What are the errors?
  20. Upgrade your site, then go to applications and you'll have the opportunity to upload a new version of AT&P for 4.1. That's all there is to it. The installation doc should walk you through it. It should go without saying, back your site up first (in full). Always backup.
  21. I have no idea what you're asking. And I've already explained that the forum description prefix list is not a current feature. Really, I heard your request the first three times. I get it. Respecting the special char in URL setting for tags/prefixes is not possible on account of what it's doing. That's like asking for user search queries to respect it too. The only way IPB knows what tag you're talking about is by that text, and if the text doesn't match the tag anymore...you're not going to get any results.
  22. Then yes, I expect it will. I don't own Pages though, so my ability to support is limited should any problems come up.
  23. That's not currently a feature. It could probably be done with some customization, but I can't help you with that. Unless Pages supports tags/prefixes out of box (which I don't think it does), no. This app enhances tag/prefix functionality, it doesn't add them anywhere they weren't already.
  24. No. All you need is to create the prefix, and enable it for that forum (edit forum, Tags & Prefixes tab). I don't know why that would be. Try rebuilding the tag cache, under tools. My system leverages the built-in tag system, yes. But there's more to it than that. The Tags page you were looking at shows all uses of tags and prefixes across the entire nsuite, and lets you edit or delete those in bulk. You don't create tags on that page. You can also allow open tags (users can set their own), in which case those tags will not be under the Posting > Tags settings, but their usage will be shown on my Tags page. Hope that makes sense. Okay, well, I need a log of it so I have something to go by. Try this: Make the error happen, then go to that uploads/logs folder and find the most recently modified file(s). Please send those to me. I haven't seen such an issue. Nothing should prevent you from applying tags to a topic. If you can send me forum details to investigate, though, I'll see what I can figure out. Prefixes would seem most appropriate--that would make it show up before/in the title everywhere, whereas tags don't always display. I would create those four prefixes, use the bulk add tool (not working for you, I know; I need more info) or a saved action to apply those prefixes to all topics in their respective forums, then move them all into your new unified forum. Then set up the new forum so that all four prefixes are active, and users are required to select one. Yes. Each forum has its own setting for allowed tags and prefixes. Sounds like you found that though,
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