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Wilford Tibbetts

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Wilford Tibbetts

  1. I just downloaded it as a test, and it worked. The file is on my desktop. As for a "gz" file, I don't know how to make one of those. I can make a .zip file, but it's basicly the same as a .rar file. Regards, Wilford Tibbetts
  2. Doesn't seem to work with IPBv3.0.5. I have uninstalled it and installed it again and it still brings up an error when you click "Last Click". Do you have any suggestions to solve the problem? My members like this Mod very much, and we would like to keep it. Regards, Wilford Tibbetts
  3. File Name: Purple Dawn File Submitter: Wilford Tibbetts File Submitted: 05 Nov 2009 File Updated: 05 Apr 2010 File Category: Color-Theme Skins Name: Purple Dawn Compatable: 3.0.x Colors: Varying shades of purple. Created this for a friend of mine to her specifications, and thought I would offer it here for others to use. If you have any questions or comments, please click the Support Topic link and I'll be more than glad to help. I hope you enjoy my second ever skin. :D If you enjoy the skin, and wish to submit a donation, please go to my website and register. Please be sure that your e-mail and IP Address aren't spammy. I, and my Staff, review all new registrations for possible spammers. There will be a short wait while your e-mail is validated, but you need to check your e-mail to click the confirmation button before we look at your application. Once a member, a welcome thread is created for you in the Welcome forum - which will be near the top of the forum. There is a one(1) post count requirement for your first download. After that, you will need to participate to continue downloading available files - a minimum of one(1) post between each download. New skins will be forth-coming. One skin, Black Star, should be ready by the last week of April. Sorry for adding a price to my skins, but financial times are tough and I need to have a bit of income so I can continue making skins for you all. This is something I enjoy doing, and would like to do it full time. Adding stats/online list to the top. So for those that wish to re-add the online list to the top, it's quite simple to do(just click the spoiler button to open the instructions). Then click save, and you're done! Hope you all enjoy! :D Click here to download this file
  4. Have to agree with my fellow IPB3 users here. The UCP could use some work. Takes me a bit, even now, to find settings to change. The last UCP was easy right out of the box. Also, the comments section of the Profile/UCP. It could a reply-to link when someone leaves a comment that takes you directly to it's own discussion thread of sorts. If I'm not mistaken, vB has this. It's one of the few things I like about vB software. Regards, Wilford Tibbetts
  5. Wouldn't mind seeing this as well. :thumbsup: Regards, Wilford Tibbetts
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