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  1. I haven't done anything yet but some testing on my local pc is on the todo list
  2. Thanks @opentype for the idea and whilst it would normally be a great option I will soon be adding around 160 clubs into the club section. My site is on recreational aviation so I need to create a club entry for each pilot training and club so the same issue exists if not with forums but it would with clubs. I have been wracking my brain as to the best way to achieve all this and can't come up with a suitable solution. May mean that I will need to keep the sites separate and users will have to switch between the sites all the time.
  3. I have 2 sites, site 1 is topic specific and site 2 is Off Topic for site 1. However 99% of the users on the off topic site are also registered on site 1 topic specific site so I was thinking of merging the two together however some users on site 1 are not interested in the Off Topic content and don't want to see that content included in the default Unread Content Stream. My thought was to have 2 unread content streams, 1 for site topic specific and one for the off topic content however my concern is the efficiency of achieving this. For stream 1 I would have to specifically include 58 forums plus specifically include certain gallery pages etc categories and more while excluding 9 off topic forums and certain gallery, pages etc categories. The 2nd stream i.e. the off topic stream, would have to be the opposite of stream 1. This I believe would put a huge strain and impact on the load times of each stream causing a negative user experience as the SQL would have to loop through each criteria. Does anyone have any thoughts on this or can offer any suggestions...thanks. Oh and also I would have to edit the stream page top block to remove the list of the many inclusions:
  4. ibaker


    Hi Adriano, just noticed a language issue of books_bookshelf_pl_lc
  5. I have set up stream on my site to show what is new content on ALL areas however when a new Club is created it doesn't show up in the stream that the new Club was created...is this normal or any suggestions on why...thanks
  6. Hi, I am using this addon and are getting an error if I try to add a Home Page to a club: Error: Non-static method IPS\clubsenhancements\_General::getClubHomePage() cannot be called statically (0) #0 /home/mysite/domains/recreationalflying.com/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(107): IPS\core\modules\front\clubs\clubsenhancements_hook_ceControllerView->newHomePage() #1 /home/mysite/domains/recreationalflying.com/public_html/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php(129): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #2 /home/mysite/domains/recreationalflying.com/public_html/init.php(932) : eval()'d code(114): IPS\core\modules\front\clubs\_view->execute() #3 /home/mysite/domains/recreationalflying.com/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\core\modules\front\clubs\clubsenhancements_hook_ceControllerView->execute() #4 /home/mysite/domains/recreationalflying.com/public_html/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #5 {main} Backtrace: #0 /home/mysite/domains/recreationalflying.com/public_html/init.php(1034): IPS\_Log::log() #1 [internal function]: IPS\IPS::exceptionHandler() #2 {main} Also, not sure if this relates to the addon or not but for the Description field of the club it only takes plain text, there is no editor toolbar for it yet everywhere else on the site uses the WYSIWYG editor. Any advice on these issues...thanks
  7. Hi Adriano, just purchased this addon to get random content from my Pages area of IPS. I would like to know how I can display records in columns instead of rows as displayed with most other content. For example what I would like to see is the widget to display like the Gallery widget in this screenshot:
  8. Thanks Daniel, the logs show no errors...well, the error logs I can find on the server @Daniel F the error log on my local PC for xampp is attached error.log
  9. Thanks for your reply...Yes, all system requirements are met and the message that it is ready for v4.7. Each week I backup a copy of my entire site (2 x IPS sites) and databases and download the backups to a 4tb backup hard disk here at home. This way the backups are off site from my server provider in the US, I am in Australia, and have nothing to do with my server should anything happen to the server. This basically costs me nothing and I have done this for years with Xenforo and every now and then I would check a backup on my local PC under xampps and never a problem. This also allows me the luxury of doing and testing any changes that I may like to make free from any impacts online, a type of Test Environment and using an online sub domain as a form of Pre-Prod environment. If I were to have a different online test environment it would cost me for another server...note just one of my sites is a 17gb backup If I were to do as you have suggested, if anything happened to the server I would lose the backup plus not have a Test Environment due to IPS one live/one test install rules. To give an example I would like to have a look at combining 2 of my sites together. This will take a substantial amount of playing around and changing many things to see if there are any benefits that I think I might get. This would be so much easier and quicker if I could just do it on my local PC. Life was so much easier with Xenforo Any suggestions on how I can overcome this problem with IPS
  10. It is installed on my local PC which is windows 10 so there shouldn't be any issues with permissions uploads/logs has only a 0 size index.html file, nothing else Removed everything in the datastore folder but no change
  11. Thanks Marc, unfortunately I can't access the admin control panel because that msg is displayed. I tried adding the \define('RECOVERY_MODE', true); to the constants file but then for the admin panel I get the attached view
  12. I backup my sites every week and today I thought I would test the latest backup on my socialaustralia.com.au site but it failed. The site is working fine. I backup the site and download it to my local PC which has xampp with php v8.0.2.8 installed I import the db into mysql but when i go to the backup version of my site on my local PC under localhost I get the error: [[Template core/admin/global/globalTemplate is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]] The globalTemplate is default and not modified in any way and this is shown trying to access the admin panel and my backup site css is all screwed up Any advice how to fix this as I want to test my backups and not be left with a huge problem if anything happened to my live site
  13. I have been asked if the site credentials that I have provided in my registration are correct, YES they are and the same credentials I provided a few weeks ago for you to remove the Classifieds addon...they are the same so I don't know why you can't connect...I have even sent a screen shot to @Daniel Fatkic who told me that he had removed the addon. I just updated my 2nd site and that upgrade went without an issue
  14. Can anyone help...it's been over an hour now that my site has been down
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