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Eric Mattson1

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  1. Thanks
    Eric Mattson1 reacted to Jim M in Validation email problem?   
    I have moved this to a ticket so we can assist you further with your issue. Please watch your email for further correspondence. 
  2. Thanks
    Eric Mattson1 reacted to Jim M in Turn off notifications for a blog post needing moderation   
    There would not be a way to specifically turn off notifications for just that. It would be all moderation related activity.
    This would be in your own notification settings on the front-end for moderated items. Account Settings -> Notification Settings -> Moderation.
  3. Thanks
    Eric Mattson1 reacted to Jim M in Reasons for Banned Message   
    Just a heads up, I did hide your message with this information just to keep it secure but we got it 🙂 
  4. Agree
    Eric Mattson1 got a reaction from WebCMS in Suggestion: For ban settings, scammers and email addresses with periods in gmail   
    It would be an amazing feature if ban settings treated all email addresses as if the piece before the "@" sign was the same with periods removed when checking whether an email address can be registered. Moving periods around in gmail email addresses is massively abused by scammers -- I probably see 100+ registrations per day with this issue that I need to delete.  
    Basically it would mean that adding "I.am.a.scammer@gmail.com" to the ban settings would also block Iama.scam.er@gmail.com. 
    Any chance of getting this into a future edition? 
  5. Like
    Eric Mattson1 got a reaction from TDBF in Bulk Mail scheduling option   
    I would love this feature as well. 
  6. Agree
    Eric Mattson1 got a reaction from WebCMS in Bulk Mail scheduling option   
    I would love this feature as well. 
  7. Thanks
    Eric Mattson1 reacted to Jim M in Periods in gmail email addresses being abused by spammers   
    There isn't really as the system treats that as a new address and there would be a ton of variations possible.
  8. Thanks
    Eric Mattson1 reacted to Randy Calvert in # of Views on Blog Posts   
    It does not reset.  So up and up forever.  🙂 
  9. Thanks
    Eric Mattson1 reacted to Jim M in Site Map Question about Member Profiles   
    It does not include profiles or tags. These are low value pages typically that house internal pages and do not have real content themselves. They don't have 0 value, especially now that Google has decided it likes attributing authors but there are better pages to dangle in front of search engines to say "index this."
  10. Thanks
    Eric Mattson1 reacted to Marc in Blocking all "+" in registration email addresses?   
    No reason. And in fact that would be the correct way to do so 🙂 
  11. Thanks
    Eric Mattson1 reacted to ASIKOO in Blocking all "+" in registration email addresses?   
    The "+" feature isn't just for gmail, but with gmail, a.b.c@gmail.com = abc@gmail.com, ab.c = abc etc...
  12. Thanks
    Eric Mattson1 reacted to Marc in IMAGE_SCANNER_BLOCKED   
    I have created a ticket on this one for you
  13. Thanks
    Eric Mattson1 reacted to Marc in Member Import Function on Invision Cloud -- Crashes the Site with a chunk of 1,000   
    You would need to cut down the size of the file you are updating, as its very likely its timing out unfortunately
  14. Thanks
    Eric Mattson1 reacted to Randy Calvert in Member Import Function on Invision Cloud -- Crashes the Site with a chunk of 1,000   
    You might need to try smaller batches.  Try much smaller until you find the number range that works for you.  It might only be 100 in a go.  
    Otherwise, you could work with IPS sales and they might be able to do some sort of mass import for a fee as well.  
  15. Thanks
    Eric Mattson1 reacted to Jim M in Additional DNS Records (gmail mx issues)   
    Please be advised that these have been adjusted for you. While you are all set, it may take a few moments to resolve.
  16. Thanks
    Eric Mattson1 reacted to Jim M in Icons on cloud after migration   
    You can clear the cache by going to ACP > Support > Clear System Caches
  17. Thanks
    Eric Mattson1 reacted to Marc in Are there any limits to user imports on Invision (cloud)?   
    The above is indeed accurate. Start at a smaller size and work your way up to a size that is suitable.
  18. Thanks
    Eric Mattson1 reacted to Randy Calvert in Are there any limits to user imports on Invision (cloud)?   
    That would depend on a lot of circumstances.  When using a web interface, the problem is how long it takes in time, not how many records you have.  (It will execute for XX seconds before giving up.)  So one batch may work at 10k, but another might fail at 5k because there was something that took longer to process in that smaller batch.  
    Personally if you're using something that big, it might be worth using the API to create the accounts.  
    If you don't want to do that, start small...  1k and see if it works.  If it does, increase it and try a bigger batch.  Rinse and repeat until you find what works for you.
  19. Thanks
    Eric Mattson1 reacted to Marc in Social Sharing for Blog Posts   
    There should be a share icon at the top of each. Bear in mind this will only show if guests can view. Is this the case?
  20. Like
    Eric Mattson1 reacted to Jim M in Testing with a member and getting a "banned" message   
    Could be something they placed into the HTML or otherwise was rejected by our WAF and resulted in what you saw. Unsure.
  21. Like
    Eric Mattson1 reacted to Jim M in Are there any limits to user imports on Invision (cloud)?   
    The system processes these in real time so I would recommend splitting them up. Depending on how much data you're importing with the user will define how much you need to split this up by. I'm afraid, there is no set amount but I wouldn't recommend importing 200k members with 20 fields each in one go. Definitely will reach a timeout in our Cloud for doing that.
  22. Like
    Eric Mattson1 reacted to Ryan Ashbrook in Is there a way to block spammers using periods in the gmail email addresses?   
    The spam defense service already takes this into account.
  23. Like
    Eric Mattson1 reacted to Marc in What input areas do word filters monitor?   
    Word filters work with post content only at the present time
  24. Like
    Eric Mattson1 reacted to Marc in Is there a "feed" of all blog posts? All status updates?   
    In terms of status updates, its worth pointing out these are deprecated items which will not exist in version 5. So if you are starting a new site, its probably advisable not to enable those at all.
    In terms of feeds, you can create feeds of these things using the block manager. Please take a look at the following guide on this
  25. Like
    Eric Mattson1 reacted to Marc in How does changing prices on Subscriptions work?   
    If you change a price, when you save it will ask you if you want to amend it for people who are already subscribed
    Same as above. However in this case, as they will not be on their first month, nothing really changes for them
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