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Strike X

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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Strike X

  1. When I upgraded from IPB 2 to IPB 3 couples months ago, I am not getting many new members much anymore and even some active members stop using it.. my forum died pretty badly.

    When I got some feedback from the users, I realise the new default skin put them off.

    Most of them felt the new skin is commercial/business style and it does not suit the celebrity (sport) fans community.

    So which Skin do you recommend (something similar to IPB 2 Skin) as long its regular updated.

  2. Here what I wanted to see,

    1) Recent Friend Activity
    2) Ajax Live Search
    3) in ACP homepage, ability to add shorcut.
    4) Simple basic gallery like facebook and ability to tag. I don't like IP.Gallery (it look too confusing for users)

  3. It is much better now,

    I am very concern how the users will find Private Message, that is too hidden in the Arrow menu.

    I think next to My Settings at the top, we should have "Inbox (0)" or something.

  4. In the APC, member editing area - there is no link to direct to their profile?

    I have to do it manually using member search on the forum, this very time consuming. Find a member from member search then PM a member..

  5. I notice View New Content layout had been changed as it was in 2.3


    It would be nice if you could add View Type switch, like you see in the Blog http://forums.invisionpower.com/blogs/ - you can change it to table or list view.

    I know bfarber promised this, maybe he forgot :huh:

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