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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by WebCMS

  1. Each forum and club has it own RSS Feed in the icon menu at bottom right. When I visit the private Moderators club, there is an RSS Feed for the private club with the mod's member ID key. How do I disable the RSS Feed for Moderators only as it can contain private topics if shared inadvertently? I unchecked Moderators group in the new RSS Feed's Settings but when visiting each forum/club, there still appears an RSS Feed in the footer for the visited forum/club and this happens even for the private Moderator's club - the URL with the member ID private key. It is ok if moderators don't have access to RSS Feeds but not sure how to regenerate the new Member ID key or disable RSS Feeds for moderators. In a case where a mod quits the forum, the mod's personal URL to the RSS Feed of the private Mod club remains the same which is a concern. Now we end up deactivating the account and create a new mod account for the new person instead of reusing the same Mod account for the new person. Please provide an option to regenerate a new Mod Member ID key for RSS Feed of private clubs/forums (preferably) and this option to regen new Member ID key should also be offered while changing the email/password of any Mod account. Or, do not render the RSS Feed link for private clubs/forums.
  2. I tried after a couple of days and I'm able to edit the footer template without having to Revert the prior changes. I don't see any errors in the browser's console.
  3. I see that each forum and club has it own RSS Feed in the icon menu at bottom right. When I visit the private Moderators club, there is an RSS Feed for the private club. How do I disable the RSS Feed for Moderators only as it can contain private topics if shared inadvertently? I unchecked Moderators group in the new RSS Feed's Settings but when visiting each forum/club, there still appears an RSS Feed in the footer for the visited forum/club and this happens even for the private Moderator's club - the URL with the member ID private key. It is ok if moderators don't have access to RSS Feeds but not sure how disable RSS Feeds for moderators.
  4. You are right. I did not notice the member ID unique key in the URL. Thanks!
  5. I have a private club meant for moderators only but the new RSS feed I created is listing topics from this private club. This is a serious security issue. The new feed I created does not have any options for Clubs. Is there a way to disable the Default RSS feed (Discussion Latest Topics feed)? Please advise...
  6. When I go to Display Settings of the forum, the "Enable Combined Fluid View?" switch is disabled with a warning - Combined fluid view cannot be enabled as this forum does not have any sub-forums Multiple forums will fragment discussions negatively. I used clubs to categorize popular topics but would like to offer an option to users to consolidate the forum/clubs content in a Fluid view. I guess it would be ideal to consider the Clubs as sub-forums and allow to enable Fluid View of the single forum in conjunction with Clubs. The Clubs widget (on the Forum page) could be reused/repurposed with checkboxes prefixed before each club name to filter the Fluid view along with the single forum (to save space in the widget sidebar). It is like "View the forum along with these optional Clubs". This is just extending the functionality across topics of forum/clubs instead of enabling Fluid view only for subforums. After all, Clubs are forums and the club content is just topics (similar to forum topics). Thoughts?
  7. I like this for now as most users may not notice/use the option to Paste as Plain Text. After pasting as Plain Text, users can reformat it if necessary. At least, the color of the pasted content won't get messed up awkwardly on the site across various themes.
  8. Text entered in the editor has no issues on any theme. When copied and pasted, your editor could sense the background/foreground color of the pasted text and compare it with the current theme's colors and make transparent adjustments (not sure if that is even possible). This is how the text looks like when pasted from a Dark theme (when viewed on a Light theme). This is how the text looks like when pasted from a Light theme (when viewed on a Dark theme). With more power, comes more problems...
  9. Currently, the only way to add links like Terms, Guidelines, etc. to the Footer is to modify the templates for each theme. The users should not find it difficult to locate these essential links on a site. It is surprising that IC lacks this basic feature after so many years. Please add a module to add custom links in the Footer. Also add options to Terms, Guidelines, etc. to include those links in the footer. Add a box to render custom HTML before/after the footer like a <hr> above the footer for better formatting and layout.
  10. I set Default Forum View to Fluid in ACP > Community > Forum > Settings and switched "Members can choose..." to ON. I don't see the Community Hub widget anywhere and no Fluid view button to toggle. This settings renders ALL topics from the Forum+Clubs on the single Forum page (home) for Guest users only (no View toggle buttons and no check boxes to toggle their filters) but after login, it renders just the Forum topics on homepage without Club topics and no check box filters (just Condensed/Expanded view buttons) Is it because I have just one forum? But i have multiple Clubs which should be good enough to render Fluid view to toggle Forum+Clubs filters on the Forum page to choose - like it does for Guest users. It would be ideal to render checkbox filters in the Clubs widget to save space so Clubs widget could be reused for filtering the topics + Forum topics.
  11. My members are able to switch the view between Condensed and Expanded. But there is no Fluid view option to select as shown in the screenshot. It would be great if the Fluid view can consolidate the topics in all forums and clubs into a single list with a filter check list. My total attachment limit is 250KB for ALLL attachments ever uploaded (not: 50MB). I ran out of it by uploading 3 downgraded screenshots
  12. Welcome to your Which option are you using to please most of your users?
  13. There used to be a Fluid layout - dynamic listing with Forum filter box that can include topics from Forums and Clubs on a single page. The setting is still there in the ACP but it doesn't render the Fluid switch button on the frontend. Please advise... By the way, what is the size limit on this forum for attachments? Yesterday it was saying 35KB (I uploaded only one screenshot so far) and today it says 8KB. Here is the screenshot of Fluid layout shared by your Sales team last year - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h3s4hkxFbNF6gYR1rP_b_UpbweZDqO-h/view By the way, the Fluid display is available for guests (topics from all forums+clubs in one list without the Fluid/Grid/Table switches) but when logged in, it defaults to Condensed/Expanded switches and no Fluid switch. Grid view doesn't work at all.
  14. When I copy/paste text from a page into a post/comment and another user reads using a different theme, the background color of the pasted text is displayed in the origin theme's background color. I know there is an option to Paste in Plain Text but users may not use it because the pasted text in the editor displays with the same background as the current theme and hence not noticeable. Eg: Dark theme - copy text from a page and paste into the editor and post. Other users using a light/default theme see the pasted text with dark background. How do I workaround this issue? Here is the text I pasted that I copied from the dark theme into this editor here that is using light theme. Welcome to your community!
  15. The user accounts I'm using to test were created sometime back but the Terms were implemented recently. I guess that explains. I'll do some additional testing with brand new user accounts and revert back if needed.
  16. My app is on invisionservice.com cloud service. Nothing related to its hosting is in my control. Here is the console output - a JS glitch: admin_admin_templates.js.gz?v=d815db93211697539050:34 Uncaught TypeError: Right-hand side of 'instanceof' is not an object at baseController._updateToolbar (admin_admin_templates.js.gz?v=d815db93211697539050:34:26) at baseController.changedTab (admin_admin_templates.js.gz?v=d815db93211697539050:31:6) at nr (root_library.js.gz?v=d815db93211697539050:1:7597) at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (root_library.js.gz?v=d815db93211697539050:1:8025) at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (root_library.js.gz?v=d815db93211697539050:1:1076) at HTMLDivElement.dispatch (root_library.js.gz?v=d815db93211697539050:2:39997) at v.handle (root_library.js.gz?v=d815db93211697539050:2:37968) at Object.trigger (root_library.js.gz?v=d815db93211697539050:2:70063) at HTMLUListElement.<anonymous> (root_library.js.gz?v=d815db93211697539050:2:70665) at Function.each (root_library.js.gz?v=d815db93211697539050:2:3129)
  17. I modified the footer template to add links and saved the template. But when I re-open the footer template, it doesn't load the HTML in the editor (which loaded fine when I modified it). It shows the globalTemplate's html in the editor in the 1st tab but the footer tab's editor is empty. The footer template list item on the left has a "M" icon to its right. I have multiple themes. What am I doing wrong?
  18. I added Terms content to the Terms & Privacy page in AdminCP and now it redirects the users to Accept Terms page right after login and there is no way to get out of it unless the Accept button is clicked. Even if I try to surf to /logout page, it does not log out but stays on the Terms page. Where is the setting to turn OFF the "Force users to accept Terms" that redirects new users to terms page after login? I added {terms} to the Text to Show for Guests and it displays the Terms notification with Accept button in the footer nicely and non-intrusively as expected. It is ideal to display the Terms with Accept button in the footer similarly for ALL logged-in users like it does for guests. Once the Accept button is clicked, it should never display it again. It seems like a glitch as there is no way to not redirect new users to terms page after login and forcing them to accept the terms. No other site redirects users to terms page forcing them to Accept the terms right after login intrusively which is a bad UX. Terms notification bar could be displayed in the footer like it does for guests. This are the issues - When a new user logs in, he is getting redirected to the Accept Terms page (happening to every new user). Once he accepts the terms, the page does not display again. When I save the terms, it goes to another page saying I changed the terms/privacy, "Force members to accept the new registration terms?". Even if I select the NO radio button and save, it still redirects NEW members to Terms page with Accept button after login. How can I undo this redirecting of new users to terms page after login? TIA
  19. @Jim M Changing the language string for Terms of Use worked. Why not render the Terms of Use and Guidelines links in the footer if they are not empty under System > Terms & Privacy Policy? Not sure why these links are not included in the footer but it is only logical to render them conditionally. Thanks!
  20. How to change the title "Registration Terms" on Terms of Use page to "Terms of Use"? Is there a language/strings Settings page to change this? The terms should "always" apply even to view the site as a guest rather than apply only for registration. 2) How to add links in the Footer for Terms, etc?
  21. Is there an emoji pack that can be installed/used in IC forum software? Like Marketplace? How can I turn off irrelevant emojis like country flags, food, activity, travel, symbols, etc? All I want to keep is Smileys and Emoticons (first and last categories) and eliminate all other clutter. TIA
  22. Thanks! So does this actually disallow the user to register using reserved substrings or does it ban the user from registering altogether even if he retries using a valid username? Also, do you see a Ban Setting like this in your installation? Type. Content. Reason IP Address Spammer Spam Not sure if this Ban Setting came as a default and if it is necessary to keep it. I don't remember adding such an entry before.
  23. In vBulletin, there is an option to add to config.php to prevent users from registering with misleading usernames like "Moderator3", etc. Is there a way to prevent substrings like "admin" and "mod" in usernames? This is for IC Cloud hosting account.
  24. I don't see a way to edit the source HTML in the editor as there is no toolbar icon to switch to source. Also looked at Editor Config page and no option to add Source button. Please advise...
  25. If I enter a link to my site like "/" or "/forum" or "/clubs" or "/blogs" or "/articles", it don't resolve to the site's links but to http://<entered string>. When clicked on: / should resolve to the home page (site.com). /forum should resolve to site.com/forum /clubs should resolve to site.com/clubs and so on... This is the expected behavior with any HTML editor.
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