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Everything posted by 700newtons

  1. Yes - thanks - I just couldn't make it work that way. No idea why.
  2. Ah, fixed it by posting with python code in zapier. Probably a weird way to do it but it works... import requests api_url_follow = '{my_URL}/api/core/members/'+input_data['member_id']+'/follows/?key={the_API_key}' todo_follow = { "followApp":"core", "followArea":"club", "followId":int(input_data['club_id']), "followNotify":1, "followAnon":0, "followType":"daily" } response = requests.post(api_url_follow, data = todo_follow)
  3. Hello , I trying to set up an arrangement so that if someone joins a Club, they automatically follow its content. I have successfully set up the trigger on zapier which recognises when someone joins a club. However, after an afternoon of trying, I can't get POST to create follow the update. I'm trying to use the API post function with core/members/{id}/follows Here are the text boxes on zapier. URL: https://{my_URL_here}/api/core/members/{member_id}/follows/?key={my key here} Payload: json Data followApp core followArea club followId {id number of club here} Wrap Request in array: no File: {left blank} Unflatten: yes Basic Auth: {left blank} Headers: {left blank ?} I have tried all sorts of combinations, but no joy. Any advice? Thanks in advance. Simon
  4. Apologies - I seem to have put this on the wrong thread. Never-the-less, I'll keep talking about it here as I've started! I don't think that the problem is with my Phone. It seems to occur across ipad, iphone, mac and to my colleagues devices too. Could this be some kind of browser time-out problem? I'm happy to post this somewhere more appropriate - let me know if so. Simon
  5. Hello, We also seem to have having problems with some large photos on our site. For example when using my iphone or ipad a strip of our main homepage photo will appear but the rest is remains unloaded (even if I refresh it). If I rotate the iphone landscape and then potrait again, the problem often resolves. Why would that be? Thanks if you can advise, Simon
  6. Hello, The ability to create repeating calendar events on the same day each month would be a useful addition. (e.g. repeat first Tuesday of each month) cheers, Simon
  7. Hello, I have been asked if it possible to set repeating monthly events in the calendar on the same day. (eg - the first Tuesday of every month). This does not seem possible (I think) - could be be something coming in a future upgrade? Thanks Simon
  8. I know that forum categories can be restricted to specified groups. However, is it possible for an administrator to assign topics/posts within categories to certain groups. (e.g. a member's topic might contain a discount code which should be hidden from guests) Thanks if you can help, Simon
  9. Thanks for the reply. Yes - an automated process is definitely the way to go. At the moment we are stuck with a separate site for our membership fees, with a payment system which is tricky to extract ourselves from. However, we will be looking at this for the next step. One thing with your suggestion... We run plan to run many regional Clubs. Although you can choose not to display Clubs to certain groups, it seems that once a member is in there there is no way to automatically remove them even if their membership is downgraded. Ideally we'd want non members to have the same rights as a guest, but it doesn't seem possible to downgrade a group rights quite this far. Simon
  10. Ah - they would be given a email address/phone number to arrange membership payment. Its not an ideal model, but unless we do this then ex-club members will still have many of the rights that regular club members do (i.e. access to Clubs, notifications about events etc, ability to message other members). I'd be interested in other suggestions - we are just migrating a site over from Drupal, so these things are in our mind. Simon
  11. Another question! I plan to set our ex-members to 'banned' so that they can no longer have the rights of paying members but will change the language to something more polite e.g. 'account inactive' However, once a member is banned they have no way to sign out of the site (that I can see). They could, of course, sign in on a different device, use private browsing, or delete cookies to gain guest access. However, is there a link that I can insert on the 'account inactive/banned' page so that they can exit. Thanks Simon
  12. Ah - I figured it out... this URL in this format did the job: https://a12345.invisionservice.com/api/core/members/member-id?key=api key then in the data box customFields[number] (with the data in other box to the right) the other boxes didn't need anything in them. Simon 👍
  13. Hello, I'm trying to figure this out too I'm new to Invasion with fairly limited IT background (but learning) I have got to the webhooks section of Zapier I have also figured out my way to the API section of the AdminCP and got a REST API key I'm trying to upload data to some existing members custom profile fields (for example, their first name into a field called pfield_5 ). Is there an example of the type of information that would go into the Zapier form above to achieve this? Everything I have tried so far comes up with an error, and I'm unsure where I'm going wrong. Many thanks if someone can help. Simon (first post!)
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