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Funar Flavius Mihai

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Funar Flavius Mihai

  1. Hi, is there a way to set a minimum number of words in “REPLY” ? And any way to set a cool down time? Thanks!
  2. Edit: I solved. The plugin is only visible by category...my apologies🤣
  3. Hi, i recently installed this plugin on my forum wich is running the last IPS version. The thing is, it does not work, i assume there is no other setting to don beside the number of items per page. You can check by this link https://m2dev.ro/files/ @Adriano Faria
  4. I have installed the download extension, but I would like the download button to be accessible only for a certain id group. My button: The desired button:
  5. Hello, hhow can i add in toolbar a custom bbcode I want to add [download] [/download] with specific image and href to download link.
  6. Solved the problem was from my dedicat server.
  7. Hello, i put files from API section in (/home/m2devro/public_html/api). I rename the files in .htaccess but after i press the continue, sites dont go to the next page, remain on the first stage.
  8. Hello, i wanted to ask you guys if is posible to upload user cover and user avatar from extern website not directly to upload from PC.
  9. Hello, where can I find settings for litespeed caching (tutorial) or iplist for cloudflare to stop blocking it?
  10. Hello, how can i do pinned message to be like global message to see in every forums? Like that:
  11. Can you make a way to change easy the "orange basement" to other color like blue?
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