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Posts posted by Rulex

  1. Hello, suddenly we have a problem setting the thumbnail covers in the video gallery and no error is returned. It's simply no longer possible to set the thumbnail images, but the video, itself, is correctly playable by members of our community. The previous uploaded thumbnails are still there and they're all visible.
    The problem did not exist before the latest update 4.7.16 (update which ran without any issues).
    We attach a video showing the problem.

  2. Hi all, 

    In our Store there is a product that was automatically renewed once a year.
    For internal reasons we disabled the renewal on that product and when asked by the options we also applied the change to products already purchased.
    Despite the change, in the following days we saw that the invoice for the renewal was still generated for one of our customers.
    We proceeded to delete it by hand but since other products are due to be renewed in the next few days we would like to understand how to avoid this.

    Thank you in advance 

  3. Hi all,

    we noticed that there is the Allowed file types option with the allowed file extensions, there's a way to maintain all file types but just exclude a couple? (The non-Allowed File Extensions 🙂
    Could contain: Page, Text, Computer, Electronics, Pc, FileHi

  4. Sorry if I explained me not in a clear way, I meat that both messages were received for a renewal (of the same product) #236 in October and the other one is for the invoice #223 of September, but we received them with 2 different format.

    We wanted to understand how it is possible 

  5. Hi all, 

    we are seeking for help in other to understand if there is a reason why the title of Invoices changed from the last month:
    In the following screenshots there are the title of the last 2 renewal of the last 2 moths:
    Could contain: Page, Text
    Could contain: Silhouette, Stencil, Light
    The product is the same, the customer is the same and to us seems to be just a renewal as the previous. 

    Let us know if there is something we are missing. 

    Additionally, is there a webhook to receive a notification every time an invoice got paid?

    Thank in advance 

  6. Hi all,

    when you are in the Client Area and go in My Details -> Alternative Contacts there is the chance to add an Email that has access to opening tickets and pay invoices:
    Could contain: Page, Text
    Will this contact also receive emails related to the original profile regarding that product (such as invoices notes or generic alerts on the selected product)?
    Otherwise, there is a way to receive emails not only at the address in section Account setting -> Email Address?

    Can we change the Display name in the Client Area?
    At the moment it is different from the one with which we can open the topics on the community (and we would like it to be Rulex for both).

    Thanks for your time.

  7. Hello we have a problem that has never occurred before.
    During the user registration process the captcha is not loaded and prevents the completion of the operation.
    The captcha, whatever it is - google, hcaptcha and others - appears only occasionally and randomly and, in this case, allows registration correctly.
    We do not have any captcha plugins installed and the Invision Community version is v4.7.12

    I kindly ask for your assistance



    Could contain: Page, Text

    Could contain: Page, Text

    Could contain: Page, Text, File, Webpage

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