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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by dutchsnowden

  1. So I do receive emails that look like this. Perfect! But other users send me images that their email has no footer at all. No unfollow, no notification preferences. How is this possible? No preferences above the forum contact address on the bottom. The users are calling me out for not being able to adjust settings or unfollow and not sure how to correct this.
  2. So it's not for the lack of trying or lack of willingness... Sorry for that as I tortured you guys with this. Life happened!
  3. It's quite a long story. I know, I should have done it much sooner. Checking the logs, I've seen that in 2014 if I recall correctly there was a file I uploaded called ips4.php where I was probably checking the requirements for upgrade. I saw the old page and it just said IPS 4 on top, much like the new one but much older. And it was old green. But then before I could do the upgrade, hell broke loose and faeces hit the fan with other things in my life, and I simply got no time to spare for it. Not that I had much more now, but I combined holidays with work. So yeah!
  4. No, I'd like to see if I can do something about those broken UTF8 conversion so they show correctly in google and so forth. Also the old markdown that is broken. If possible, anything can help. I am not re-converting from 3.1.4 ever even if paid to do so. I don't want this to my worst enemies.
  5. Got it. Thanks a lot. Beautiful feature! Love it!
  6. Thanks a lot, I adjusted the number and the time in ACP so let's see. I had no clue how this works. Is there similar to "last 5 posts" in blocks?
  7. I mean too complicated for me. I was looking for something simple and dark that I can change accent colors myself. I do not need all the bells and whistles of side menu, footer, sliders and the backgrounds, tho I tried deactivating them, they were just there. The menu was too big, and with those blue stripes I could not leave them there. Not sure what this means and how a premade theme cannot be refunded, but sure, if you cannot that's it, my loss, paying for something I will not use.
  8. Thanks, I uninstalled it, too complicated and too skeuomorphic. I just needed dark colors, that I can adjust. I do not need anything else, not sliders or anything else that complicates life.
  9. I did click edit, configured number and visibility. What do you mean by "I have nothing currently popular"? Do I need to mark content as popular or something?
  10. Am I missing something that this block "cannot be shown"?
  11. Love the theme but not what I was looking for. I just needed a nice dark theme. Is there any way I can ask Invision for a refund?
  12. I bought it based on reviews but I do not like how it works and I whish I never bought it. Is there any way I can refund it and delete it?
  13. How can I deactivate ALL backgrounds in the theme? How can I activate dark mode?
  14. Nope sorry for my wording. Not tables. In Admin CP I deleted custom emoji something... They were ancient emoji packs and many where inserted as markdown into the text.
  15. Nope. I don't see any other error messages. It just works. I assume those errors where when it was set to PHP MAIL, and I cannot delete them from queue.
  16. I will but I hope to do it after this is done.
  17. I confirm this, I am running IPB 4.6.9 on PHP 7.4 without any problems. 😙
  18. Thanks, sorry for starting it here. You are right.
  19. Thanks a bunch. However I looked for it I still missed scrolling way down.
  20. Is there a way to remove all email notifications from a specific user?
  21. I did, yes. I was hoping it was solved long time ago.
  22. Can I make these work? In Admin CP in Support they look like the are working, but on Windows 11 in Edge and in Firefox I get no prompt to allow them or anything.
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