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Everything posted by dutchsnowden

  1. Soon after, this happens. Then regardless of what I click, RETRY or CONTINUE, all I get is next author duplicate error:
  2. Yes. I got some errors with those too, upgrading from 3.1.4 to 3.4... I have those too. Something with calendar and zero dates. Could not progress after that error. What is REALLY odd is that I did succeeded upgrading on a test server at one point with same procedure, but different download from Invision. Requirements ARE met, as I can confirm with ips4.php. And I get over the UTF8 conversion. My SQL version is 8.0: mysql Ver 8.0.27-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 for Linux on x86_64 ((Ubuntu)) The only changes in its config:
  3. Server is configured SSH only with Public/Private key. Not sure how to enter those.
  4. So neverending story. Solve all problems, now after UTF-8 conversion it starts upgrade. And hit this: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'groups SET `g_view_board`=? WHERE g_id=?' at line 1 /var/www/html/ips_3547c/applications/core/setup/upg_32000/upgrade.php::1116 UPDATE `bb_groups` groups SET `g_view_board`=? WHERE g_id=? Not sure how and why there's a SQL syntax error in upg_3200...
  5. But the department my ticket is in started working today, right?
  6. Do we have an estimate? I really need getting over this step.
  7. I kindly ask that we somehow solve this issue today? I purchased this on Dec 12 (soon 2 weeks) and I am still not able to get over this step. I do not want to uninstall anything from old to upgrade, but I will pay what is needed to make upgrade work. I understand part is my fault and it was over holidays, but still it is a long period not being able to use my license.
  8. I fully understand but chances are I will hit the exact same file check error, regardless of what I do, except uninstall something as you suggested. And I would like not to do that for now. Funny thing is, somehow I got over this step a few times and after introducing license, it mentioned I do not have CMS so that part won't upgrade. But not on this step! Not sure why installer expects to check what files I have before introducing license and knowing what license includes. Make sense?
  9. I fully understand and I am thankful for suggestion. However, I am not sure how to do this. I will explain why... I am not willing to touch anything on the main production forum, until I know the duration for it being offline, especially now during holidays when it takes so much to get an answer, added to time zone differences. Chances are I will try, hit a snag and there will be no way back and not knowing how to get it to work from that point. That would mean days/weeks offline. So all I can do for test install is work ONLY with the bare database on a empty brand new OS. Upgrade should not reuse any of old files, so it should work. So no idea how to install/uninstall the 3.1.4 active version on the brand new TESTINSTALL server. I tried upgrading to 3.4 but got hit with another error about empty calendar date, and installation stopped.
  10. We are still waiting for their answer, right? It's just slow because holidays? Asking because it is painful not to be able to do anything.
  11. I would rather not, as you never know if in the future I will. So better to renew it. Furthermore, I am working currently on a testinstall, I cannot uninstall anything. Just making a procedure for upgrade. As I am sick of thinking I hit such problems on the live server, then wait days to solve them. I want to be able to take it offline 24h, do the upgrade and be back online, knowing all the problems. It is a nightmare. How can I renew that one too?
  12. Thank you so much. I am eagerly awaiting for it! I don't use Pages lately (last 3-4 years) but if needed, I can renew that app too if it is easier.
  13. The files that the UPGRADE complains about are missing. They are not in my download. And odd is that it happens BEFORE checking my license settings or something. So basically I assume it gathers info from database and assumes I SHOULD have those files, before checking license. Any idea on how to deal with this?
  14. so now I got new license sorted out. And yet again, I got these errors. what I did. installed brand new ubuntu and all requirements restored a backup database as it is MyISAM converted the database to InnoDB (7h 30mins - I will try reconfiguring some MySQL options but this is painful) started upgrade php memory limit Conversion to UTF-8 step required (took 1h 30m) no errors so far then added into conf_global.php the required rows about UTF-8 as required, then press continue upgrade AND AGAIN I got this. And cannot continue pass it I was expecting to fight the SQL Syntax error later but I am back again at this thing. I think somehow CONVERT-UTF8 procedure is marking somehow the database with something that makes the next step fail like this. +------------------------------------+ | bb_admin_login_logs | | bb_admin_logs | | bb_admin_permission_rows | | bb_announcements | | bb_api_log | | bb_api_users | | bb_attachments | | bb_attachments_type | | bb_badwords | | bb_banfilters | | bb_banners | | bb_bbcode_mediatag | | bb_bulk_mail | | bb_cache_store | | bb_cal_calendars | | bb_cal_events | | bb_captcha | | bb_ccs_attachments_map | | bb_ccs_block_wizard | | bb_ccs_blocks | | bb_ccs_containers | | bb_ccs_custom_database_1 | | bb_ccs_custom_database_2 | | bb_ccs_database_categories | | bb_ccs_database_comments | | bb_ccs_database_fields | | bb_ccs_database_moderators | | bb_ccs_database_modqueue | | bb_ccs_database_notifications | | bb_ccs_database_ratings | | bb_ccs_database_revisions | | bb_ccs_databases | | bb_ccs_folders | | bb_ccs_page_templates | | bb_ccs_page_wizard | | bb_ccs_pages | | 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| bb_task_logs | | bb_task_manager | | bb_template_sandr | | bb_titles | | bb_topic_ads | | bb_topic_mmod | | bb_topic_ratings | | bb_topic_views | | bb_topics | | bb_tracker | | bb_twitter_connect | | bb_upgrade_history | | bb_upgrade_sessions | | bb_validating | | bb_voters | | bb_warn_logs | | orig_bb_admin_login_logs | | orig_bb_admin_logs | | orig_bb_admin_permission_rows | | orig_bb_announcements | | orig_bb_api_log | | orig_bb_api_users | | orig_bb_attachments | | orig_bb_attachments_type | | orig_bb_badwords | | orig_bb_banfilters | | orig_bb_banners | | orig_bb_bbcode_mediatag | | orig_bb_bulk_mail | | orig_bb_cache_store | | orig_bb_cal_calendars | | orig_bb_cal_events | | orig_bb_captcha | | orig_bb_ccs_attachments_map | | orig_bb_ccs_block_wizard | | orig_bb_ccs_blocks | | orig_bb_ccs_containers | | orig_bb_ccs_custom_database_1 | | orig_bb_ccs_custom_database_2 | | orig_bb_ccs_database_categories | | orig_bb_ccs_database_comments | | orig_bb_ccs_database_fields | | orig_bb_ccs_database_moderators | | orig_bb_ccs_database_modqueue | | orig_bb_ccs_database_notifications | | orig_bb_ccs_database_ratings | | orig_bb_ccs_database_revisions | | orig_bb_ccs_databases | | orig_bb_ccs_folders | | orig_bb_ccs_page_templates | | orig_bb_ccs_page_wizard | | orig_bb_ccs_pages | | orig_bb_ccs_revisions | | orig_bb_ccs_template_blocks | | orig_bb_ccs_template_cache | | orig_bb_chat_log_archive | | orig_bb_content_cache_posts | | orig_bb_content_cache_sigs | | orig_bb_converge_local | | orig_bb_core_applications | | orig_bb_core_hooks | | orig_bb_core_hooks_files | | orig_bb_core_incoming_emails | | orig_bb_core_item_markers | | orig_bb_core_item_markers_storage | | orig_bb_core_like | | orig_bb_core_like_cache | | orig_bb_core_rss_imported | | orig_bb_core_share_links | | orig_bb_core_share_links_caches | | orig_bb_core_share_links_log | | orig_bb_core_soft_delete_log | | orig_bb_core_sys_conf_settings | | orig_bb_core_sys_cp_sessions | | orig_bb_core_sys_lang | | orig_bb_core_sys_lang_words | | orig_bb_core_sys_login | | orig_bb_core_sys_module | | orig_bb_core_sys_settings_titles | | orig_bb_core_uagent_groups | | orig_bb_core_uagents | | orig_bb_custom_bbcode | | orig_bb_dnames_change | | orig_bb_dp3_adv_adverts | | orig_bb_dp3_adv_adverts_types | | orig_bb_dp3_adv_clicks | | orig_bb_dp3_adv_sections | | orig_bb_dp3_adv_templates | | orig_bb_dp3_adv_topics | | orig_bb_email_logs | | orig_bb_emoticons | | orig_bb_error_logs | | orig_bb_faq | | orig_bb_forum_perms | | orig_bb_forum_tracker | | orig_bb_forums | | orig_bb_gallery_albums | | orig_bb_gallery_bandwidth | | orig_bb_gallery_categories | | orig_bb_gallery_comments | | orig_bb_gallery_ecardlog | | orig_bb_gallery_favorites | | orig_bb_gallery_form_fields | | orig_bb_gallery_images | | orig_bb_gallery_media_types | | orig_bb_gallery_ratings | | orig_bb_gallery_upgrade_history | | orig_bb_groups | | orig_bb_ignored_users | | orig_bb_inline_notifications | | orig_bb_installed_mods | | orig_bb_login_methods | | orig_bb_mail_error_logs | | orig_bb_mail_queue | | orig_bb_member_status_actions | | orig_bb_member_status_replies | | orig_bb_member_status_updates | | orig_bb_members | | orig_bb_members_partial | | orig_bb_message_posts | | orig_bb_message_text | | orig_bb_message_topic_user_map | | orig_bb_message_topics | | orig_bb_message_topics_old | | orig_bb_mobile_notifications | | orig_bb_mod_queued_items | | orig_bb_moderator_logs | | orig_bb_moderators | | orig_bb_openid_temp | | orig_bb_permission_index | | orig_bb_pfields_content | | orig_bb_pfields_data | | orig_bb_pfields_groups | | orig_bb_pm_logs | | orig_bb_polls | | orig_bb_posts | | orig_bb_profile_comments | | orig_bb_profile_friends | | orig_bb_profile_friends_flood | | orig_bb_profile_portal | | orig_bb_profile_portal_views | | orig_bb_profile_ratings | | orig_bb_question_and_answer | | orig_bb_randmsgs | | orig_bb_rc_classes | | orig_bb_rc_comments | | orig_bb_rc_modpref | | orig_bb_rc_reports | | orig_bb_rc_reports_index | | orig_bb_rc_status | | orig_bb_rc_status_sev | | orig_bb_reputation_cache | | orig_bb_reputation_index | | orig_bb_reputation_levels | | orig_bb_rss_export | | orig_bb_rss_import | | orig_bb_rss_imported | | orig_bb_search_keywords | | orig_bb_search_results | | orig_bb_search_sessions | | orig_bb_search_visitors | | orig_bb_seo_meta | | orig_bb_sessions | | orig_bb_skin_cache | | orig_bb_skin_collections | | orig_bb_skin_css | | orig_bb_skin_css_previous | | orig_bb_skin_merge_changes | | orig_bb_skin_merge_session | | orig_bb_skin_replacements | | orig_bb_skin_templates | | orig_bb_skin_templates_cache | | orig_bb_skin_templates_previous | | orig_bb_skin_url_mapping | | orig_bb_spam_service_log | | orig_bb_spider_logs | | orig_bb_statistics | | orig_bb_subscription_currency | | orig_bb_subscription_extra | | orig_bb_subscription_logs | | orig_bb_subscription_methods | | orig_bb_subscription_trans | | orig_bb_subscriptions | | orig_bb_tags_index | | orig_bb_task_logs | | orig_bb_task_manager | | orig_bb_template_sandr | | orig_bb_titles | | orig_bb_topic_ads | | orig_bb_topic_mmod | | orig_bb_topic_ratings | | orig_bb_topic_views | | orig_bb_topics | | orig_bb_tracker | | orig_bb_twitter_connect | | orig_bb_upgrade_history | | orig_bb_upgrade_sessions | | orig_bb_validating | | orig_bb_voters | | orig_bb_warn_logs | | x_utf_bb_convert_session | | x_utf_bb_convert_session_tables | +------------------------------------+ I suspect somehow x_utf_bb_tables are culprit, as they contain something that breaks the upgrade.
  15. In fact the error is the first image. SQL syntax error and status_author_id is not even mentioned there. This is the error that upgrade stops with: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'groups SET `g_view_board`=? WHERE g_id=?' at line 1 /var/www/html/ips_3547c/applications/core/setup/upg_32000/upgrade.php::1116 UPDATE `bb_groups` groups SET `g_view_board`=? WHERE g_id=?
  16. I do not in fact. Another client as me suggested I should try. Not sure how it would help. But could not see any other versions of IPB anywhere so I asked.
  17. Where do I get any other installation package other than the latest? Is there an old install files archive somewhere that I missed? Also how do I check the database for custom third party? How do I know which would be the columns that are not standard? I have only one download available in "client area" that is the latest. Are the previous releases available somewhere?
  18. I will try this once more on a brand new installed ubuntu test server and if I hit the same snag, I will get back to you here. Is this ok?
  19. Should I update the details with a test server testinstall? I cannot afford to do such tests on the production server and keep it offline who knows how much? I need to know I can solve any upgrade problem on a test server first.
  20. Starting a testinstall upgrade (dry run simulation on a real database backup), I got this error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'groups SET `g_view_board`=? WHERE g_id=?' at line 1 /var/www/html/ips_3547c/applications/core/setup/upg_32000/upgrade.php::1116 UPDATE `bb_groups` groups SET `g_view_board`=? WHERE g_id=? I clicked retry and got this: Duplicate column name 'status_author_id' /var/www/html/ips_3547c/applications/core/setup/upg_32000/upgrade.php::1075 Now, anything I click, Retry or Continue, this is the only message that is shown.
  21. Sure. I will wait then. The tickets are only through email? Is there a board system to easily track of threads?
  22. Just for the record, I will write here again, I DO HAVE LICENSE for Pages on 3.1.4. Please let's not go there anymore.
  23. Marc, yes. I am an old client. Already settled with your colleagues about that. Yes, it is Invision 3.1.4 and I do have ip.content installed. As far as I know I have more apps bought in the past. Pages, and some others, if not all. I am waiting an answer about the old license from one of your colleagues.
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