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Everything posted by dutchsnowden

  1. @opentype so should be clearly not disabled, judging from the screen caps above, right?
  2. This is different user. Just found out now. If user disabled mailbox, should I not see this in Admin CP?
  3. Myself as admin I am trying to send this user a PM: however checking their settings in Admin CP, should work. Messenger is not disabled and no other warning or restrictions are being aplied. What gives? What else I could verify to determine what is wrong here?
  4. Gosh darn it! I saw and used, merge, hide but completely missed that one. Thanks!
  5. So I tried to do a split. Meaning move last 5 posts from a topic into a new one. I could only find how to do this one-by-one, not all 5 at once. Is this the only way of doing it one by one? I have expected to be able to move more at once but when selected more, it asks for a forum to be moved in (?) not really for a topic. Not even sure what that is for.
  6. Awesome. hidePhone is already in. I will get rid of everything else and add center. Thanks a bunch @Ehren!!!🥳 <div class='ipsResponsive_hidePhone ipsResponsive_block ipsType_center'> This is how it looks in mine now.
  7. Thank you so much Marc and sorry for the torture! Great support thank you!
  8. From help file not very sure what ipsResponsive_block is. But it does not show on desktop. Consider this closed. I used hidephone and suddenly it works. I will ask for different ad for mobile.
  9. In fact a way of having different versions for mobile and desktop would be the best solution. Show mobile-version on mobile, show desktop-version on desktop. Awesome, thank you so much! Going to try it now. So I added this to the div: <div align="center" border=0 padding=0 margin=0 class='ipsResponsive_showDesktop ipsResponsive_showTablet ipsResponsive_block'> Should this not show on desktop?
  10. Oh wow. So basically an AD can break this? Is there a workaround to protect forum against such appearances? Any help? What inside that ad can break it? This is not something I can control, advertiser gave me what they have. Any way to protect the forum against an ad doing this? Or at least disable it for mobile?
  11. Anyway, this is a somehow urgent issue, because even if for me this looks crazy, reality is this:
  12. iPhone X, iOS 14, and Safari, works OK. Samsung S10e, Android 11, Samsung browser, does not work OK, opens the same off-screen. Samsung Flip3, Android 12, Samsung browser, does not work OK, opens the same off-screen. Samsung Note 10+, Android 12, Samsung browser, does not work OK, opens the same off-screen. Samsung Note 10+, Android 12, Microsoft Edge, does not work OK, opens the same off-screen. This is what I personally tested just now. Not sure others who reported the issue what they use. But clearly on Android 11 and on Android 12 there is an issue.
  13. No, I have here like 20 devices, Andrdoid and iOS. What browser? What you want me to try? But nevertheless Andrdoid 12 should also work, right? I ignored it for a bit but today started to receive complains about it.
  14. Let me rephrase, maybe my command of the language is not the best. Everything is perfect until you WANT TO OPEN the hamburger menu on the top right corner. When you touch that menu, the menu does open, but it opens OFF_SCREEN to the right. Not on screen over the current page. At first I thought it is broken and menu does NOT open at all, but then I noticed the "close menu" x button is still on screen and tried scrolling to the right, so basically what happens is like the media query goes wrong and "thinks" the screen is suddenly wider, than it actually is. This is the opened menu. As you can see it is off screen to the right. Only X button is still on screen and a sliver of menu. Than offscreen menu should open normally on screen, right? Not off-screen to the right.
  15. Your browser seem very wide. I am on Android 12 normal portrait. Microsoft Edge browser. But happens on Samsung Internet browser exactly the same, menu is completely out of the screen to the right: What other devices and browsers I should try? On microsoft edge if I keep it landscape works ok: I did updated recently to Android 12. Is this possible to behave incorrectly under Android 12? I ask this because more than one browsers on my mobile and I get confirmation from other users, experience the same issue.
  16. Only two themes I mentioned above. BOTH DEFAULT, one I started changing colors but stopped after background color changed a few days ago. Stock/default everything.
  17. No. This is default template. I made a copy of default template (I can delete it) but ONLY changed background color. So definitely NO CHANGES to any template. 1 ad added, and one button added for admins in editor. Pretty sure NOTHING else and these are not the cause.
  18. I am pretty sure this did worked before, but now, on a mobile, when I open the menu, the menu is completely to the right out of screen, and you need to scroll to see it. This is when I clicked the hamburger menu, it opens right of the screen and is very annoying. And you need to scroll right to see it: Can I do something about this issue?
  19. Sure, that is understandable. I was just trying to find out what I need doing until then and/or what are the consequences.
  20. Yes indeed, I setup cronjob for all background tasks. What I am supposed to do in the meantime. Just run it manually when it errs? Logs do not indicate any error...
  21. How can I check error logs and see what was this about? I run manually the task and I could see no errors and it completed succesfully...
  22. Is there any documentation on how I could achieve this?
  23. Yeah, @Marc Stridgen said that with source/html I can do that, minutes after I posted the topic, but I do not want to activate HTML posting for all members.
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