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Firelord Azula

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Posts posted by Firelord Azula

  1. 27 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    Please let us know what forum and add the below:

    We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. 

    We look forward to further assisting you.

    Done. I added both links to subforum in the Notes.

  2. Same issue happened after instead of approving new message, I removed it to the other topic first (which also needed approving), and since the message was sent earlier than the topic, it stayed hidden even after I approved the topic. I manage to make the message visible by editing it and selecting an option to hide topic in the editor, then make it visible by moderation tools, but the approving counter is now broken in both subforums (I removed the topic before making it visible).

    Clearing system cash doesn't help.


    On 8/31/2023 at 6:39 PM, Jim M said:

    If you rebuild your search index in ACP -> System -> Search -> Rebuild Search Index, does this resolve the issue?

    Nope! 😭 Please help, it looks very annoying.

  3. I fixed this for my community by editing the CSS for my default and night themes. The difference between full and short number is the little line inside the class which contains number, and that line affects the format of the number:




    The tricky part is to find where exactly the number you want to fix "lives" in the code.

    I did it for numbers in Forum Statistics sidebar block which seen on main forum and for the number of posts (and reputation which I added myself) which seen under the avatar when you read a topic.


    So, let's assume for an example you want to fix the number of posts in Forum Statistics, your forum is not in English and you are using Firefox browser. Left mouse click on the number of posts, select Inspect Element. You'll see the developer tool and lines of code which will look like: <div class><div class><li class>blah-blah-blah</li></div></div>

    One line will be selected, it will look like: <span class="ipsDataItem_stats_number">4.7K</span> - this is where the number lives, but you need to know the name of the block (actually you can use it for search as well, but I'll explain later).

    Slowly scroll up reading lines until you see the long paragraph with data-blocktitle="blah-blah-blah". Between quotes you will see the name of the block in your language pack. Remember it, then go to AdminCP -> Customization -> Languages -> [your default language] -> Translate  -> Search settings -> [type the block name into the third input field, which is your language] -> Search.

    If you did it right, you'll see in the Key column there is block_forumStatistics , so the name of the block is forumStatistics , copy it. Then go to AdminCP -> Customization -> Themes -> [your default theme] -> Edit HTML & CSS, then paste forumStatistics into search field, and click on found results until you can see and click on forumStatistics (the path is: forums -> front  -> widgets  -> forumStatistics ).


    Now you see the code of the block! Can you spot that "unfriendly" format="short" line?


    <h3 class='ipsType_reset ipsWidget_title'>{lang="block_forumStatistics"}</h3>
    <div class='ipsWidget_inner'>
    	{{if $orientation == 'vertical'}}
    		<div class='ipsPad_half'>
    			<ul class='ipsDataList'>
    				<li class='ipsDataItem'>
    					<div class='ipsDataItem_main ipsPos_middle'>
    					<div class='ipsDataItem_stats ipsDataItem_statsLarge'>
    						<span class='ipsDataItem_stats_number'>{number="$stats['total_topics']" format="short"}</span>
    				<li class='ipsDataItem'>
    					<div class='ipsDataItem_main ipsPos_middle'>
    					<div class='ipsDataItem_stats ipsDataItem_statsLarge'>
    						<span class='ipsDataItem_stats_number'>{number="$stats['total_posts']" format="short"}</span>
    		<div class='ipsGrid ipsGrid_collapsePhone ipsWidget_stats'>
    			<div class='ipsGrid_span6 ipsType_center'>
    				<span class='ipsType_large ipsWidget_statsCount'>{number="$stats['total_topics']" format="short"}</span><br>
    				<span class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'>{lang="total_topics"}</span>
    			<div class='ipsGrid_span6 ipsType_center'>
    				<span class='ipsType_large ipsWidget_statsCount'>{number="$stats['total_posts']" format="short"}</span><br>
    				<span class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'>{lang="total_posts"}</span>


    Just delete that format attribute, but be careful not to erase any { } brackets, or you will break the code and there will be bugs on your forum. Also please notice, that the block is divided by if and else on two halves - one is the code for desktop users, the other is for mobile users. The post number exists in both versions, so you need to edit both. I specifically chose Forum Statistics block for an example, because it's code is really short and neat. But when you will fix other blocks, the code will be much longer, and when you'll find your only line with short format you will think this is it. Nope, there's always another one somewhere below, don't forget to edit it too!


    The result should look like this, please compare:

    <h3 class='ipsType_reset ipsWidget_title'>{lang="block_forumStatistics"}</h3>
    <div class='ipsWidget_inner'>
    	{{if $orientation == 'vertical'}}
    		<div class='ipsPad_half'>
    			<ul class='ipsDataList'>
    				<li class='ipsDataItem'>
    					<div class='ipsDataItem_main ipsPos_middle'>
    					<div class='ipsDataItem_stats ipsDataItem_statsLarge'>
    						<span class='ipsDataItem_stats_number'>{number="$stats['total_topics']"}</span>
    				<li class='ipsDataItem'>
    					<div class='ipsDataItem_main ipsPos_middle'>
    					<div class='ipsDataItem_stats ipsDataItem_statsLarge'>
    						<span class='ipsDataItem_stats_number'>{number="$stats['total_posts']"}</span>
    		<div class='ipsGrid ipsGrid_collapsePhone ipsWidget_stats'>
    			<div class='ipsGrid_span6 ipsType_center'>
    				<span class='ipsType_large ipsWidget_statsCount'>{number="$stats['total_topics']" format="short"}</span><br>
    				<span class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'>{lang="total_topics"}</span>
    			<div class='ipsGrid_span6 ipsType_center'>
    				<span class='ipsType_large ipsWidget_statsCount'>{number="$stats['total_posts']" format="short"}</span><br>
    				<span class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'>{lang="total_posts"}</span>


    Also you could use ipsDataItem_stats_number instead of forumStatistics for search, but in this is case you will get as the results all the blocks where the number is used, and you might not want to change all of them.


    Another example is number of posts under the avatar. I don't even remember how I found it in the code, I guess I just clicked on all the templates where I thought it might hide. Turned out, it's on the block called postContainer (the path is: forums -> front  -> topics  -> postContainer ).

    The code is really long, so I just show the tiny bit:

    <div class='cAuthorPane_content'>
    			<h3 class='ipsType_sectionHead cAuthorPane_author ipsType_break ipsType_blendLinks ipsFlex ipsFlex-ai:center'>
    				{template="userLink" group="global" app="core" params="$comment->author(), $comment->warningRef(), TRUE, $comment->isAnonymous()"}
                {{if $comment->author()->member_id}}
    				<a href="{url="app=core&module=members&controller=profile&id={$comment->author()->member_id}&do=content" seoTemplate="profile_content" seoTitle="$comment->author()->members_seo_name"}" title="{lang="member_post_count" pluralize="$comment->author()->member_posts"}" data-ipsTooltip class="ipsType_blendLinks">
    					<i class="fa fa-comment"></i> {number="$comment->author()->member_posts" format="short"}


    I removed short format and added reputation as well:


    <div class='cAuthorPane_content'>
    			<h3 class='ipsType_sectionHead cAuthorPane_author ipsType_break ipsType_blendLinks ipsFlex ipsFlex-ai:center'>
    				{template="userLink" group="global" app="core" params="$comment->author(), $comment->warningRef(), TRUE, $comment->isAnonymous()"}
                {{if $comment->author()->member_id}}
              		<a href="{url="app=core&module=members&controller=profile&id={$comment->author()->member_id}&do=content" seoTemplate="profile_content" seoTitle="$comment->author()->members_seo_name"}" title="{lang="received_x_points" pluralize="$comment->author()->pp_reputation_points"}" data-ipsTooltip class="ipsType_semiBold ipsType_success">
    					<i class="fa fa-plus-circle"></i> {number="$comment->author()->pp_reputation_points"}
    				<a href="{url="app=core&module=members&controller=profile&id={$comment->author()->member_id}&do=content" seoTemplate="profile_content" seoTitle="$comment->author()->members_seo_name"}" title="{lang="member_post_count" pluralize="$comment->author()->member_posts"}" data-ipsTooltip class="ipsType_blendLinks">
    					<i class="fa fa-comment"></i> {number="$comment->author()->member_posts"}


    Same logic for a different class below in the code.


    You can do it with any numbers, but you had to read the code to understand what you are changing right now.


    I hope this helps.

  4. 10 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    The question here is where exactly are you changing these? Translated items, unless there is an update to a language string and the item is removed, would be maintained between upgrades unless otherwise stated.

    I did it inside the translation pack in the standard editor, I had two packs, old 4.6.3 (default) and (then) 4.7.10 (visible to everyone, but not default). I went to AdminCP -> Customization -> Languages -> [4.7.10 language pack] -> Translate.

    Then I updated the system to 4.7.11, and the developer also released an update from 4.7.10 to 4.7.11 for that language pack. I thought it will not affect my changes just like the system upgrades so far are not affecting my two additional lines in the CSS of default (light) and night theme. But it seems to me that language update compared all lines of my installed 4.7.10 pack and newer 4.7.11 release, and then changed all lines that were different in translation to newer version, so all my hard work got overwritten.

    This is probably not the developer's fault, I guess it's done this way to fix errors in translation with updates, but if an upgrade process can't see the difference between the line which was never touched by user (the developer changed the translation in the pack), and the line that was changed by user (the developer never changed it), than I don't know how to keep my changes between updates...


    What should I do?

  5. Good evening, I need an advice on what to do.


    For years our community (which previously was owned by a different person) used a ready language pack, which had a professional translation, and it was great.

    This language pack was abandoned by its developer on 4.6.3 version.

    I heard that there soon will be upgrade to 5.0 version or something, so I was worried that after that we can get bugs because our language is so horribly outdated. So I installed another ready language pack, which is supported by its developer.

    Turned out this translation is really messy, some lines are translated outright wrong, so I don't liked it and decided to fix it. I spend a lot of time to compare both translation, I changed 100+ lines in standard editor and I was still in the beginning, I completed like 10% or less of the whole language (so the final changes probably would count to a thousand lines).

    Then I had to upgrade it to 4.7.11 and now all my changes are gone, because I did not create my own language, I did it inside the translation.


    What should I do? I would like to use a pack which keeps up with all the upgrades to avoid bugs and problems, but I need to keep certain lines translated by me.

    Are there any way to save certain lines separately from the pack and made them override the pack translation?

    Because in other way it seems I had to change the lines manually after every upgrade, but it takes too much time.

    I suppose if I copy this pack and made my own changes in the copy, my copy will be 4.7.11 forever, so eventually it became as outdated as an old pack 4.6.3 is. So basically it the same thing, though I can just keep a list of changes I've made and manually change it after every 6th upgrade (so twice a year), but again, it takes a few days of time, which is too much.

    I see the packs can be exported and imported, so probably I can write an Excel macro to automatically fix the lines I need, but I'm too afraid to accidentally break the .xml file and broke my forum again, like it happened after I installed something from Marketplace. If there's any way to do it without breaking, please tell me in all the details.

    Another opportunity is to give up, use the messy translation, and fix only the most horrible lines, but the task of doing it every month is still upsets me.

    Or stick to outdated 4.6.3 pack. But I suppose it's a bad idea because of the bugs. Or am I wrong?


    Please help!

  6. Good evening! Is there a way to edit the standard text message on /lostpassword/ ?

    I had to do something with it. Last spring our 13 year old community moved from the old domain to the new, but the previous owner of the forum didn't gave us access to his old database, so we had to start a new one from scratch. The old users had to register again, and we had to copy-paste all our topics. I posted an announcement of "the great moving" a week in advance, but we had some really old users who visit us very rare and they missed it. Some of them found us on our new domain, they registered and joined us.

    But the problem is: it seems that some of these "lost" users for some reason do not understand that our forum is a new one (yes, despite the different url, and obviously lesser number of topics and posts). They still think this is the same old forum on the new domain, because it looks the same, and they try to log in using their old usernames. But they can't! Because there are no users with such a name. They get a "wrong password or username" error, and they think they just forgot their password.

    Then they try to restore a password. They enter their email and jump to the /lostpassword/ page. Here they get usual confirmation that the magical restoring link was just sent to their email. But it wasn't! Because there are no such an email in the user database, the user do not exist. They are trying to restore something that do not exist!

    I've noticed this thing happens when I decided to check Login Logs plugin. I've seen a few (!) old users were trying to log in into non-existent profiles. One of them tried a multiple times for a two month in a row. Honestly, I don't know what's wrong with these people, why they can't just use Contact form to notify me that they can't log in (like some others old users did), but I want to help them. Obviously, I can't create a topic "What to do if you can't login", because they won't see it, just like they don't notice the Contact link on the top of the page. So I need to change the text in the only place they'll see it for sure - on the lost password page. I just want to add a one line to ask all old users who can't login to use Contact page. If it's possible to add a direct link to Contact, that would be great.

    Is it possible to do via Styles in AdminCP? Or maybe somewhere else? Maybe I need to change something in my Language pack? Or even in phpMyAdmin? We don't have Pages, only Forums, so I can't use Pages for it.

    Any ideas?


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