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Phil K.

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Posts posted by Phil K.

  1. I've purchased this and installed it on 4.6.6, but it isn't listed among Applications. A search for DP44 or Ban From Topic brings up nothing, either. Could you advise?

    Edit: Nevermind! This isn't under applications, it's under plugins. My own dumb fault. Sorry!

  2. Hi guys, sorry — I could have sworn I had updated this, but just realized I hadn't. It turns out, our database was split on the same day our host migrated their cPanel to a new platform. We were seeing two databases, with one reading 0kb, so we assumed it was a weird empty duplicate. Turns out, not. All the posts from the last ten months were in there.

    We just re-ran the converter on that database, deleted duplicate threads, and all is well now!

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