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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by asd937

  1. To add, you need some basic knowledge of: 1- directory/files navigation in linux 2- editing files using vim 3- make sure that you resolved all upgrade blockers when you run upgrade testing script before beginning the upgrade 4- for the most security use jetbackup software to backup everything, files, cpanel setting, ....etc
  2. I did the move and upgraded to alma Linux according to instructions of Cpanel elevate project and it went smooth, just make sure to follow instructions carefully
  3. asd937

    classic license

    keep in mind you will have to pay at least 199 USD every 2 years or your 499 license will be permanently expired (you can continue to run your site, but if you decided to renew you will have to pay 499 USD again)
  4. I wont mind a version of self host that include cloud features for an extra price.
  5. Thank you all team members for clarification, IPS is doing a great work. what is concerning for me now is the cloud exclusive features, I hope IPS will consider making self host and cloud versions identical in features. I would buy two licenses for an old and new project immediatly what is keeping me away is the lack of some features in self host version especially live realtime features. I have a powerful server and can tolerate the load of these features if this is a concern. both approaches cloud and self host are for different subset of people, please unify your product and let customers choose according to their use case. Regards
  6. Thank you for clarification. but will the forum running with an expired license be still working?
  7. Just to confirm, License is permanently lost if not renewed for 24 month? And to update your forum, you have to buy new license?
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