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Posts posted by commandosqueak1

  1. well it appears we are also having this issue. got to love when people change things that's are not broken... i do despise that guy but that's despite the point...

    So i guess there isnt anything we can do to fix it? we just have a standard twitter account which we use to tweet random pages. 



  2. Morning all,


    So last night I did an upgrade of the forum software then went to bed. Woke up to messages saying that people were not able to post. My team member turned off all the integrations but it made no difference. I took a look this morning and realised he missed some plugins so I turned them all and and service was restored. In an effort to find which plugin it was I started turning things back on. Most of it was back on when suddenly I'm not getting a 500 error. The site and the admin panel are down which is strange (https://www.celica-club.co.uk/forum/index.php?act=idx). The plugin should not have taken down the admin panel as well? As the admin panel is down I cannot turn it back off.


    I still have access to the admin panel for the server and the cpanel. I tried a quick server and services reboot but no change. Had a look at error log on cpanel and found the following.


    [Wed Sep 20 01:24:12.390618 2023] [cgi:error] [pid 6613] [client] AH02811: script not found or unable to stat: /home/greg/public_html/start.pl


    Looks like a script is missing? I do have a full backup but would prefer to now have to use it if possible simply because it will take hours and it looks like all I need to do is replace the script?


  3. Thanks for the info Jim. I am glad to say I have resolved the issue I was having. I updated the software on the server panel which updated php modules etc. This essentially repaired and updated everything that was missing and this fixed the php issue. Then the upgrade completed successfully!

    Now the site it up I an pulling partial backups from cpanel so i have some kind of backups and i have set up an ftp server so going to pull a full backup and put it on my ftp server. Hopefully then I will have a full backup and can move everything over to new server.


  4. So I am now getting this error instead. honestly its one problem after another


    We were unable to start a PHP session. You will need to contact your host to adjust your PHP configuration before you can continue. The error reported was: session_start(): Failed to read session data: files (path: /var/cpanel/php/sessions/ea-php81)

  5. So after spending hours fixing a PHP issue I broke it again. So i noticed in the admin console there was an optional update to apply. I went through the usual process and it failed halfway through. Now i am at the point where it says a particular file is broken and to either download the file from the my client area or the whole install from the same place and upload to the server. Well i did that but its still not working. I tried going to the admin upgrade as the site suggested and its still showing I have an issue with one of the files.


    Any ideas how i can get round this?

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  6. So the hosting company replied. 



    http://www.celica-club.co.uk/forum/info.php is showing all installed and within php.

    Checking via SSH, we also confirm they are all installed:
    [root@server ~]# rpm -q ea-php80-php-gd
    [root@server ~]# nano /opt/cpanel/ea-php80/root/etc/php.ini
    [root@server ~]# rpm -q ea-php80-php-gd
    [root@server ~]# rpm -q ea-php80-php-mbstring
    [root@server ~]# rpm -q ea-php80-php-mysqlnd
    [root@server ~]# rpm -q ea-php80-php-xml

    I have also forced a update via /scripts/upcp --force which forces a EasyApache and cPanel update, which completed successfully, yet your ips4.php still continues to show none of them are loaded

    Just to be sure its loading correctly, I have wrote a script at www.celica-club.co.uk/forum/test.php. It uses the extension_loaded function of PHP (https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.extension-loaded.php) to return a 1 if the module is installed and loaded into php, and returns no result if its not. In this case, I purposely uninstalled GMP since its not required so that it would return a null result so you could verify for yourself that we are working with the real php config and it is working as it is expected and this appears to be software related.

    To be honest im at the point where i just want it sorted. im going to speak to the management team to authorise payment and get this fixed then jump ship ASAP



  7. Hi Mark, I fully agree!


    I replied with the following 


    PHP might be working to some degree but its not FULLY otherwise the site would be up. Nothing has changed with the site just the server which is your remit so why 65 an hour this should already be covered with our fees.

    All i have asked is to install a module thats missing. and the info YOU provided shows that too.

    So they replied with


    You had a fully functional site until you wanted it upgraded to PHP v8. phpinfo which we supplied shows modules working and php working. Your software shows it not working.

    If you wish for us to troubleshoot your software, there is a billable fee.

    Your alternative is we can restore the backup you provide and switch you back to php 7.x (PHP 7.x is a easy switch via cPanel but we'll be glad to do it for you)

    I am in the process of ripping them a new one and taking back root access. I will be moving the server as soon as the site is back up.


  8. 23 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    You would need to ensure all those highlighted in red are installed and/or fixed. You need them all to run the software. This is not related to your database but your PHP configuration on your server.

    Thanks for your help Jim and stu, its very much apricated. This is all new to me and i inherited a mess as it was. I have gone back to them and asked them to take another look. To be honest though I'm betting they turn round and say not our problem. 

    Im pulling backups now of everything how it is currently and if they havent responded by then i will restore a backup and see if that fixes it. If not I will just restore the backup im taking now to put it back in its current state and wait for them to respond.

  9. would restoring from a backup work? I have found backups of the Databases and the home directory.


    heres the image i forgot to post. duhhhh

    8 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    This would confirm what the ips4.php is stating and you're missing mbstring. Unfortunately, something is off with their configuration if these files are on in the same directory. They would need to resolve this for you, I'm afraid.

    so you are saying we are missing mbstring? yet they said its there


    if you visit that page and search mbstring you will see --enable-mbstring=shared

    so im confused


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  10. oh i am definitely moving host after. I will prob need help with that actually...


    So they said and i quote " Files need to be chmod 644, directories need to be chmod 755" so they basicall run two commands and "fixed it" PHP seems to be working now although no permissions were changed i dunno how changing the version in the control panel would cause this?

    So if I run ips4.php then i get img 1. however when i asked them to install these modules they said they are already installed and referred me to info.php If you visit that page and search mbstring you will see --enable-mbstring=shared which confirms the modules are there.

    So they basically sent me back here. As far as they are concerned everything is working fine their end (whether it is or isnt). 

    If I now go to the site then I get a different error


    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function IPS\mb_internal_encoding() in /home/greg/public_html/forum/init.php:558 Stack trace: #0 /home/greg/public_html/forum/init.php(1597): IPS\IPS::init() #1 /home/greg/public_html/forum/admin/index.php(12): require_once('/home/greg/publ...') #2 {main} thrown in /home/greg/public_html/forum/init.php on line 558

    It suggests to me there is a config error in init.php? I dont know any php really. i covered the basics in college a long time ago but not since. If I try the constrants.php like was suggested earlier i just get a plain white page with nothing on it.


  11. We have server hosting in the states. they are not very good to be honest. I have access to the cPanel and then the WHM panel for the server. That's it. I have inherited a complete mess off the old webmaster who went MIA, we expect he passed from covid but never been able to find out. the WHM panel is limited to what it can do. the server hosting company have the root access and do the updates etc in the back end. I cant even reboot the server if i wanted to. once the site is up and running we will be moving the server cause im sick of their dire support. 


    ok so i have edited the constants file and removed the contents and just put the recovery mode in, made sure it had open permissions (777) and still cannot get to the ACP. Do i need to reboot or restart something or is it just a case of put the file there. 

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