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Posts posted by InfinityRazz

  1. 2 hours ago, Stuart Silvester said:

    We're still actively mitigating the DDOS attack on some sections of our network. This isn't a network-wide issue and does not affect all customers.

    4xx errors are likely to be WAF related, such as making too many requests in a short time.

    So again, we haven't changed how we handle Rest API requests in a long while now. The library performing said requests hasn't been recompiled in nearly a year as it's been stable until 7 days ago.

    This seems to be the most common error our users get (Again, we have not changed the type or frequency of calls)
    Could contain: Text, Computer Hardware, Electronics, Hardware

    Like sure we've had a small influx of new users this month, but it's just replacing users that have already left our community. I would like some clarification on what classifies as "Too many requests" and "Short Time" please.
    We hardly ever have 65 unique users online on the website / making requests via oAuth at any given moment. Nor do I see any immediate indication of our site hitting our user cap in admin panel.

    According to admin panel: "Active user" graph
    Could contain: Chart
    Bandwidth usage:
     Could contain: Page, Text
    I don't see anything in system or error logs to indicate my users having connection issues, nor are Rest API requests made with an oAuth token actually logged in our logs (they're supposed to when checked no?) so I don't get to see what the users actually doing/experiencing.

    Could it be they're hitting a node that's under attack and therefore can't connect to the site properly? (they do report slow connection speeds via browser as well). Majority of users are fine, but it's the one's affected that complain the loudest 🤷‍♀️

  2. Also getting this issue, tons of 4XX errors on my RestAPI calls in the last hour or so. Couldn't connect to here via PC but had no issue via mobile however 🤷‍♂️ Some of my users have been having issues since December 24/25 at this point, and at least 1 of the sites mentioned above by @David have shown multiple servers offline the whole week while Invision status tracker shows no problem.

  3. 8 hours ago, Jim M said:

    403 is different than any outage error. That typically states you do not have permission. You will want to check how you're using the API and ensure you're not excessively sending requests, always including a user agent, and other typical best practices.

    I'll admit one use case was my fault.. Was trying to use 'ExecuteAsync' instead of 'PostAsync' to generate an oAuth token (whoops)

    However (and we have tested with multiple users): ever since December 25/26 once a user connects to our site on their 3rd -5th account -> ALL of their connected tokens start throwing 403 exceptions and wind up crashing their active sessions. 

    Upon login we should only be calling oAuth/token for the token-> /core/me for user id/email -> nexus/purchases for users purchases, then query every active license for its custom fields (1-10 license) + it's corresponding records DB entry, as well  as periodic heartbeat to /core/hello to verify token validity/site connection which doesn't seem like an "excessive" amount of rest API calls to me.

    Keeping in mind we haven't touched and/or made changes to the client side of the API calls in over a year.

  4. On 9/27/2023 at 3:39 AM, Marc Stridgen said:

    There has been a bug fix for this that is not yet tested, so you should see this on future releases. I'm not sure where you have seen 2021 as this topic was opened in April. Some fixes will unfortunately take longer periods of time, due to complexity involved.

    My thread (while not 1:1, follows the same gist): 

    Then I made a post ~ a year after because posting an image to a database records upload field would also not work, but I stopped getting responses on that thread. 🤷‍♂️ Either way, excited to see this change coming. Really need to go over the updates as I also just noticed new options for OAuth tokens 🙂

  5. On 4/13/2023 at 2:01 AM, Daniel F said:

    Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.


    Shameless Necro 🤷‍♂️

    So any news on this? 🤔 I would LOVE to be able to set a records image (either via the code above, or externally via rest API on an upload custom field or something.) and have been waiting since 2021 on direct news about this kinda stuff 😅

  6. 27 minutes ago, Charles said:

    Our license system was down for a few hours this morning causing some oddities with license permissions. It is back up now. I am sorry for those issues.

    If you are still seeing problems, login to your AdminCP, go to License, and click refresh license.

    Rest API is also still unavailable on my end after multiple refreshes. 

  7. I'm not sure what has happened to my api tab all of a sudden?
    Could contain: File, Page, Text, Webpage

    I am running the Super65 cloud managed plan and have made no significant changes to the site in the last 24 hours. This issue appeared out of no-where ~ 3 hours ago and is affecting my users.

    License key also seems to be having some issues? (possible root cause?)
    Could contain: Page, Text, File, Webpage

    Attempting to take my license from this site, and pop it in my admin panel results in this message: (key deleted for safety)
    Could contain: Page, Text, Chart, Plot

  8. 11 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    Disregard that. It wasn't your site with that was affected by high numbers of those. It is however in our queue to be looked at

    Thanks Marc! Email chain is ongoing. 

    Though it was mentioned that the reason we're suddenly at 400gb of storage used is due to us logging every single api call we use externally. Afaik we've been using the same api keys for over a year at this point with no change in how logging is done (that I've performed anyway) and have never seen usage this high 😂 I even have a message where I point out to my partner our site is only at ~1.5gb/7.5gb, which means we've generated 493 gb of logs in 2 months? 

  9. 2 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    Lets get a ticket created for you, and we can see what is causing the issues. Someone will be in contact as soon as possible

    That'd be great! Anything you need me to do/provide on my end? 

    And after some thought, I did install and alter a couple themes, and did enable download logs, though I don't think either of those would explain my 494gb/7.5gb storage issue I see in the client area. 😅

  10. Not quite sure what's going on over the past month, but my cloud hosted site with Invision has been plagued by "This community is temporarily unavailable" errors at least once a day for the past month and a bit. 

    I have noticed the client area here says I'm at 494.7gb / 7.5gb and have ZERO idea where this extra 490 gb are coming from as last I checked, we were JUST over 1 gb of site storage used.

    My users are asking us to change host providers at this point as the interruptions are affecting all our external applications that are integrated with the site, and at this point we are tempted to do so. 

    Please help. 🙂

  11. Ahahahaha! I'm so excited this theme has been updated, was by far one of my favorites. 🙂
    Everything is looking great so far in this version, except one little thing. It seems the posters portrait partially covers the name, and the date while using a record feed block 
    Could contain: Text, Electronics

    Will play around with the customization a bit and see if I can fix it that way at all though 👍
    Looking forward to future updates! Thanks for bringing this back to life 😻

  12. Am trying to make a block to display a base 64 encoded string to an image. Once upon a time i had this working, though have sadly long lost the code;
    According to here, to ref my custom field all i'd need to add is {$record->customFieldDisplayByKey('base_string', 'listing')|raw}, yet adding this single line breaks everything immediately. : 

    Anyone care to point my in the right direction of what i'm doing wrong exactly? 🙃
    This also generates a HUGE error log that i have no idea how to make heads or tails of 🤷‍♂️


  13. After yesterdays maintenance I am inconsistently returning : 

    "Temporary Server Problems" 

    When attempting to access a database via the API as a result this kicks out a lot of my users at random, So it's a pretty big inconvenience.

    My system errors logs and API logs show nothing out of the usual.

    Any ideas?

  14. On 4/28/2022 at 2:53 AM, Marc Stridgen said:

    Is that restsharp you are using I assume?

    Hey there marc! Other admin of this site/account here.
    Here is the code i've been playing around with most of the afternoon: 
    I have tried getting files from FileStream and/or from embedded resources streams, with the exact same results.

    var endpoint = $"/api/cms/records/40/2";
    var website = "https://REPLACEME.forumflash.com";
    var client = new RestClient(website);
    var request = new RestRequest(endpoint);
    request.AddParameter("key", token); // Token mentioned here is "Toxic Poster"
    request.AddParameter("random", new Random().Next(1, 500000));
    var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
    using (var stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("ConsoleApp1.Untitled.png"))
    // using (var stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("ConsoleApp1.idTip-10.1.1-retail.zip"))
        var buffer = new byte[stream.Length];
        var t = stream.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
        Console.WriteLine($"Stream Length   -> {stream.Length}\nBuffer Length   -> {stream.Length}");
        request.AddParameter($"fields[277][Untitled.bmp]", buffer);
    var response = client.ExecutePostAsync(request);

    Right now it "Sort of" works. I have tested the above with .bmp (and the commented with a .zip) file extensions, as well as posting synchronously as well as asynchronously with the same result. The file "appears" to be uploaded, but upon editing the record, or downloading the file, it is only 13bytes in size while the original source varies from 12k(.zip) to 4k(.bmp). 
    Right now this upload field accepts everything, and throws the errors mentioned above if i try to upload a .png/jpeg/gif

    If i edit this upload field to only accept images, it throws the errors mentioned above: 
    UPLOAD_FIELD_IMAGES_ONLY if i use a .png/jpeg/gif extension or
    UPLOAD_FIELD_IMAGE_NOT_SUPPORTED if i try to post as a .bmp/.svg extension(guess no bitmaps 😞 )

    Not sure what i'm doing wrong here, Any guidance you could provide at this time is greatly appreciated!
    And yes! I'm using Restsharp 106.15.0, have also tried with 107.3.0 with the exact same results.

    send help GIF

    My "workaround" at this point would be to just upload an image to a text field as a Base64 encoded string, then write a JS converter to deserialize it but... would rather not do it the janky way 😉

  15. I am not entirely sure if you're suggesting I send the raw bytes of the .png such as :

      restRequest.AddParameter("fields[276][Test.png]", Bytes[]);    

     Or the Json Object 

                var Mydata = new
                    Capture1 =  FileContent   ///Convert.ToBase64String(FileContent)
                var Image1 = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Mydata);
                var jpg = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JObject>(Image1);
                  restRequest.AddParameter("fields[276][Test.png]", jpg);

    I've done both and my system errors logs are slightly different. 

    Posting the Byte Array  :


    #0 /var/www/html/106167/system/File/File.php(326): IPS\_Image::create('System.Byte[]')
    #1 /var/www/html/106167/applications/cms/api/records.php(501): IPS\_File::create('cms_Records', 'Test.png', 'System.Byte[]')
    #2 /var/www/html/106167/applications/cms/api/records.php(386): IPS\cms\api\_records->_createOrUpdate(Object(IPS\cms\Records42), 'edit')
    #3 /var/www/html/106167/system/Api/Controller.php(180): IPS\cms\api\_records->POSTitem(Object(IPS\cms\Databases), Object(IPS\cms\Records42))
    #4 /var/www/html/106167/system/Dispatcher/Api.php(329): IPS\Api\_Controller->execute(Array, false)
    #5 /var/www/html/106167/api/index.php(11): IPS\Dispatcher\_Api->run()
    #6 {main}

    Posting the Json Object :


    #0 /var/www/html/106167/system/File/File.php(326): IPS\_Image::create('{\r\n  "Capture1"...')
    #1 /var/www/html/106167/applications/cms/api/records.php(501): IPS\_File::create('cms_Records', 'Test.png', '{\r\n  "Capture1"...')
    #2 /var/www/html/106167/applications/cms/api/records.php(386): IPS\cms\api\_records->_createOrUpdate(Object(IPS\cms\Records42), 'edit')
    #3 /var/www/html/106167/system/Api/Controller.php(180): IPS\cms\api\_records->POSTitem(Object(IPS\cms\Databases), Object(IPS\cms\Records42))
    #4 /var/www/html/106167/system/Dispatcher/Api.php(329): IPS\Api\_Controller->execute(Array, false)
    #5 /var/www/html/106167/api/index.php(11): IPS\Dispatcher\_Api->run()
    #6 {main}

    It's worth noting that I did both these tests using your provide FileToByteArray function.

  16. @Marc Stridgen Thanks mate - The Database I am using is WEPW-viewer (id-42 with one only one record)

    My system error logs for this API request result in the following :


    #0 /var/www/html/106167/system/File/File.php(326): IPS\_Image::create('System.Byte[]')
    #1 /var/www/html/106167/applications/cms/api/records.php(501): IPS\_File::create('cms_Records', 'ss.png', 'System.Byte[]')
    #2 /var/www/html/106167/applications/cms/api/records.php(386): IPS\cms\api\_records->_createOrUpdate(Object(IPS\cms\Records42), 'edit')
    #3 /var/www/html/106167/system/Api/Controller.php(180): IPS\cms\api\_records->POSTitem(Object(IPS\cms\Databases), Object(IPS\cms\Records42))
    #4 /var/www/html/106167/system/Dispatcher/Api.php(329): IPS\Api\_Controller->execute(Array, false)
    #5 /var/www/html/106167/api/index.php(11): IPS\Dispatcher\_Api->run()
    #6 {main}

    If you need anything else just give me a shout ! 

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