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Posts posted by VarunAgw

  1. 3 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    Every file you include on the page will initiate a network request. We do not recommend packaging custom Javascript into our own core Javascript. You're best off, if you have multiple Javascript files to include that are your own and being loaded from your server, just put them in as few files as you can and include them into the "Page Output" tab in ACP -> System -> Advanced Configuration, as needed.

    There are multiple files (some are libraries with 1000s of line of code and some is custom code written internally).

    Merging all of them in a single file manually is not ideal for me.

    Is it possible to keep thems separate in dev environtment and merge them in a single file automatically in production?

  2. I am owner of the website (it's not a plugin/application).

    In the past, I added my JS under theme folder and added it in includJs using {resource}

    But I noticed, it caused 10+ additional requests when someone visits the website.

    How do I package under my JS with invision resource to avoid extra network requests?

  3. 3 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    The guide has been updated there to reflect this


    10 hours ago, Jim M said:

    This was removed in 4.7.4. I’ll make a note to update our guides. Sorry for the confusion.


    • Guest Page Cache removed (this is a legacy way to cache pages that replicates how a CDN works) - No action required

    This is really disappointing. I don't think most CDN can do something similar (caching for guest only). I use cloudflare and I don't remember any such feature there.

  4. One of my colleague use Mac. We are trying to create a clone of the website on his localhost so he can work.

    We had some success but we are stuck at the last step.

    After everything is ready, for some reason CSS doesn't work (neither in admin or front area). 

    I noticed admin area doesn't load critical CSS like core core, framework, responsive. 

    Frontend area does load it but I noticed some of them are completely empty like "core responsive".

    I tried deleting datastore, even disabling caching. I cleared cache in admin area multiple times too. But CSS resources won't load.

  5. PHP8 Incompatible Customizations
    We are currently in the process of migrating our platform from PHP7 to PHP8 in order to provide you with the greatest level of performance and security. We've identified one or more Applications or Plugins currently installed on your site which contain PHP8 incompatible hooks and/or subclasses. In PHP8, altering overloaded method signatures within a subclass results in a fatal error which can make a site completely inoperable. Also, our hook system relies on subclasses so this change applies to hooks as well. Therefore, this code must be either replaced with an updated version, removed, or disabled from your site as soon as possible.
    If you are not sure what this means, you must contact the Author of any listed Application or Plugin for an updated version. If you cannot update to a PHP8 compatible version, the Application or Plugin will have to be disabled or removed.

    Another issue I was thinking of reporting.


    See attached screenshot. I had to manually disable this field "newsletter_forum" because it was crashing my application (I don't use forum feature). It would be nice if newsletter application is smart and take care of checking if forum application is enabled instead of just crashing


    Could contain: Text, Page, Word, Document

  6. Hi,

    Just want to give you a quick heads up.

    I did an update of invision community to v4.7.2.

    Now newsletter application is locked and disabled by invision for containing "outdated code". I can't use it anymore. I guess it needs to be compatible with PHP 8 or something.


    Hope the issue get resolved soon.

  7. It has happened with many times on dev environment. I was running the update but have to cancel completely because I got some error (like permissions)

    But there is no button to cancel it. It just get stuck most of the time.

    How do I force cancel the upgrade?

  8. I am using invision blocks in my application. The block A contains a HTML editor which you can use to insert HTML by our content writers

    My current project require you to insert another block B inside this HTML editor




    in the HTML of block A didn't work. How do I make IPS process the block B inside block A. Note: I wrote both the Block A and Block B, and use the default HTML editor from IPS.
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