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Everything posted by Tennman

  1. @peter gariepy you may interested in this post.
  2. Thanks! I never would have thought to look there.
  3. When I upgraded to version 4.5 I was expecting to see a dark theme in the ACP. After updating to 4.5 I still have the light theme. How do I change to the dark theme?
  4. @Paul E. Thank you! The plugin works as described. It was just what I needed on my forum. Saved me from editing a template file. Good job!
  5. Thanks for your reply. I must not have the permissions needed to see the link you refer to.
  6. Thanks for making the plugin. What is your plugin called so I can be watching for it?
  7. Thank you so much @VORT3X666. That worked perfectly. I agree. It should be the default or an option in the theme.
  8. Upgraded to version 4.5. I would like to put the "edit" link back next to the "quote" link at the bottom of posts. My forum members aren't smart enough to click the 3 dots to find it in the menu no matter how many times I tell them. Is there an option in the ACP for restoring the edit link or some other way easily doing it? Any help would be appreciated. Sorry if this has been asked a dozen times already. I can't seem to find any information on it.
  9. Could you please tell me what section the setting is in to turn off the sidebar in topics longer than 3 pages?
  10. I think it t would be useful if version 4.5 would have an easy way to rename Clubs to Groups by just moving a slider or ticking a box in the ACP instead of manually editing each instance where Club(s) is found in the language file. Would anyone like to see that? I've not used clubs with success in my community because members don't seem to get clubs because they are use to groups on FB.
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