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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nym

  1. Hi Thanks all, I'll try the suggested above. @Sonya* GoDaddy migrated the files over, so i have very limited knowledge of Cpanel.
  2. Do you know if there is a help video to do that as i have never had to do it before 😕
  3. Yes, its 8.1 This is the error thats to be stoping the update: v
  4. Hi Team I went to upgrade the website from 4.7.16 but the update failed through the AdminCP and it wants me to update via a manual download which i have never done via FTP. As teh update failed, the Website is down and i am stuck on the manual upgrade option when i log into the AdminCp. Is there a way to cancel the upgrade so i can get the website back up until i work out how to do it manually?
  5. I have completed what I can, but I still have the same issue, the upgrade is stuck
  6. Hi Randy I went to yourdomain.com/admin/upgrade and the upgrade is stuck on the same error. I downloaded the latest client and used yourdomain.com/admin/install in my browser however I was taken to the same upgrade page which is stuck on this error. Error below
  7. Hi all I went to upgrade my website today however it seems my server provider had not upgraded to php8.1 and the upgrade became stuck on an error. I contacted server provider and they have upgraded to php8.1 but my upgrade is still stuck and the website is down. Any advice on how I can restart/reset the upgrade?
  8. Nym

    Admin Error

    Hi Team 🙂 Ok my provider sorted out the issue and I am back up and running with no Errors. Thank you for your help 🙂
  9. Hi I have setup the support function on my community and I notice it uses my real name when responding and not my Admin User Name. is there a way for it to not show my Real name?
  10. Nym

    Admin Error

    hi team thank you for your quick responce. I have sent your advice to my provider and await their feedback 🙂 As for the Invision paid support, I clicked the hyperlink in the picture below and the Browser sits there thinking and not redirecting. Is there a direct link you can send me here to the paid support section?
  11. So I have had this error appear on my Admin CP page and can not find what's causing it. Any help would be appreciated, since i just noticed I can no longer contact Invision Support anymore...and have to post this error here... Strange this site error occurred basically 10days ago when my support package expired......and when try to purchase support package, nothing happens!! I look forward to any Advice from the community 🙂
  12. Awesome, thank you all for the information
  13. Hi There I am looking for assistance for my Website. The site has content on the home page that is 18+ and although the membership registration gets confirmation of age, there is no confirmation setting I can find for guests to confirm they are over 18. I could just not allow guests to visit the site but before I do that, I was wondering if there is a way to have guests landing on the site to confirm their age? Any help is appreciated..
  14. Hi there I have been getting a lot of new accounts that have fake members spamming legit members inbox with advertising. is there a way to stop this? I have used the word filter to moderate the content words they are advertising for but the word filter doesn't seem to work in the Inbox. is there another way to Auto moderate in the Inbox for members? any help is appreciated Nym
  15. Thank you Adriano, i posted on the thread you linked as well. With luck IPS might update the whole ranking/download counting system to allow more flexibility. 🙂
  16. I was directed to this thread after posting my own regarding this topic. It would be great if we had far more options regarding how Downloads are counted and how the whole ranking system works. On my site, i would prefer to rank files/download rather than the rankings people give them as most are to lazy to use the ranking system and forcing them to rank before downloading...leads to false ranking!!! 🙂 Anyways ...BUMP...lets see if IPS team will make the ranking/download count system more usable 🙂
  17. Hi there I have a questions that was asked of me by my community and because i could not find the answer i though i would ask it here 🙂 My community has a lot of downloaded content and i was asked if the "Number of Downloads on a file represent the same user Downloading it multiple times?" There doesn't seem to be any way to check this in the AdminCP and if there is ways to configure the Download Log as to what its recording. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated 🙂
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