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Magnus Lorvik

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  1. Thank you!
  2. I don't see an update button in the marketplace. Only Purchase... Is this a you - or an Invision problem? 😃
  3. I don't see an update button in the marketplace. Only Purchase... Is this a you - or an Invision problem? 😃
  4. How is this not a thing? And if it exists why is it so hard to find the setting for it?
  5. When I go to update I only get the option of repurchase. Do I have to purchase this again to update it?
  6. Hi there. Thanx for a great plugin! I have trouble uploading a custom font... It's this one: https://www.uxfree.com/basier-font-family/ ( Basier Circle Regular) I have tried more formats as well which I found here http://atipofoundry.com/fonts/basier Once uploaded it just transforms everything to default fonts. Any idea if or what I am doing wrong?
  7. I have been searching and haven't found an answer yet. So sorry if this is something I have missed or if it is a very simple thing I am just too noob to find. Is there a way to let club owners lock topic creations within Features? Like in the example below the owner would like to create topics within one feature and have some topics open for discussion but not have members randomly creating topics within that feature. While under other features he would like members to freely be able to create topics as usual.. I thought this would be a very common request, but I have searched and found nothing.
  8. Thanx a LOT. I searched everywhere for this. Answers usually are simple though =)
  9. Where do I find the Member ID?
  10. Is this no longer supported? The plugin settings keep resetting themselves to no chosen groups and "everyone" unticked. I have tried both 4.2ONLY and the other one for good measures. I am on 4.3.5 though. And by the way - is there any where else I can find Member ID?
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