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  1. Downloaded the latest version from client side and still the same error comes.
  2. Have you tried to download the latest version available and overwrite all the files? I'm doing that right now and I hope it fixes the situation. Seems like the patch was a trap 🫣
  3. Or add an option to the activity stream to find topics with 0 replies. This feature would be very useful to ensure that each topic gets replies.
  4. After contacting our host again. First time they claimed it is because of invision's script. Now they say it is because their shared hosting is having performance issues which are not caused by our sites. This seems to not have anything to do with invision. Thank you Jim, you may lock this as there is nothing else to do than wait.
  5. It takes 50-90 seconds to load a page. The site keeps going offline (error 500) due to ram too high. Please help. We have been using invision since 2017 and this is the first major problem with it.
  6. Hello, Our host notified us that the board is hitting RAM limits, even thought we only have few visitors. It seems like some coding doesn't support our current PHP version 7.4 CGIFAST or something else is wrong with the site. We disabled all plugins and applications, but something is using all of our ram. What can we do?
  7. Fresh install. I don't remember the error anymore. Basically, it was saying that the table did not exist.
  8. After installing this. It started to cause weird errors. Often when searching for users with filters etc it would give an error because there was no table for "hold verification" or what ever it was called. Even if we just opened up the tab of "members" it would often throw this error. This could be good, but sadly atm, it had too many errors and we had to uninstall it.
  9. That topic is made by me. I'm asking if this plugin still has the feature.
  10. Since the new forum update came. The option to change poll votes was removed. Is it possible in this plugin to remove a vote made by x user? Or is there a setting to block users from voting their own entries?
  11. Finally, got an answer to this from the support team:
  12. Another idea, Setting for auto-send the chatbox message once the member logins the next time after approval. Now it is useless, because the user might login the next day and he will miss the chat message. It would be amazing, we would be ready to pay for these two features :)!
  13. We love this. It would be amazing if you made it possible to add profile fields to the "new topic". Example: Hello %member_name%, Welcome to %board_name%. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. %member_name% joined on the %joined_date%. %profile_link% %profilefield1% %profilefield2%
  14. Yeah, I did check that. There was no way to edit the votes. Thanks for your answer.
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