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Posts posted by Cannabis Connect

  1. If there is one major take-away that I have learned from my 10 years of experience as a user of Professional's Networked Community (PNC) platforms... It's that the ability to spin off, or spawn, a group or sub-groups is a feature that few social media sites possess, nor do well, if they do have the capability. IPS has done quite well with their quick provisioning functionality. Perhaps one minor suggestion is to be thinking about the next generation of these "Club" pseudonyms:

    I educate new users by directing them to Communities-of-interest or Communities-of-Practice. Under these two basic community segments we can harness cohorts such as the following based on your site's business and community growth objectives:

    Industry Cluster - Businesses collaborate using similar or common business models which are determined by an NAICS or SIC code. This allows them to share industry benchmarking data.

    Executive Think Tanks (ETTs)

    Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

    Bird's-of-a-feather (BOFs)

    Thanks for your interest in IPS "Clubs" feature!


  2. Hello Adriano @Adriano and Colleagues,

    We are also interested in the new and exciting developments of Members' Shop and want to help support this.

    We have made some minor point naming changes in our Ducats & Alms game version found at https://chchains.org.

    We would like to create a group where we can all benefit from blockchain security, with the Enjin Microcurrency.

    Here is how to learn about Enjin or get started: https://enjin.io/adopter-program

    "Enjin's platform is exactly what we need to enable us to innovate at the forefront of play-to-earn blockchain gaming."

    Thank you for your leadership and guidance!

    Phil Wilson 

  3. Hi Joel,

    Please do not post these names.

    We looked at Drupal Commons, OpenSocial (early version), OpenAtrium, SharePoint and I think one or two others. There were a number of reasons, but the primary was the level of foundational development work which was needed to have any hope of attracting and retaining members through core functionality and features.

    Hey, I loved your article on providing true value to Members. Good job on your thought-leadership and good writing, too. I wholeheartedly agree.


  4. Our software team members have spent over 5 years assessing the top Professionals' Networked Community (PNC) platforms which are used to deploy business-related discussion forums. We thought that we had seen and tried all of the best. But then we came across Invision Power Services (IPS). This PNC gave us a whole new appreciation for the state-of-the-tech. The bottom line: we scrapped our prior investment and have moved to IPS. We couldn't be happier and look forward to making a huge business impact with the global Cannabis Connect Value Chain standards bodies that we're about to publish for numerous countries that want to jump on our bandwagon at https://www.chchains.org/.

    Phil Wilson,
    Founder and Managing Director
    International Association of Cannabis + Hemp Value Chain Organizations

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