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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by ahc

  1. Are there any available settings for the NSFW filter Invision has now? Once you click "view anyway" on one image, it removes the filter from all images marked NSFW and it doesn't come back unless you clear your browser cache. It would be preferable to have the filter pop back on once the user refreshes or leaves the page, so they can still browse the website safely without worrying about whether or not they remembered to clear their cache or if they recently viewed a NSFW image.
  2. I recommend looking into Wasabi, they don't charge for data egress which is why Amazon ends up being so expensive to media rich websites. Starts off at 6.99/TB and the service is reliable. There is a guide here if you search for Wasabi that lets you set it up through the Amazon S3 option in the ACP. We switched over 4.5 years ago and have saved over $10,000 on the low end of my rough calculations.
  3. Great. Our community was considering switching to a new CMS, but the changes coming with 5 and the release being relatively soon might convince them otherwise.
  4. This may have been said before (I'm only recently rejoining the community as of a few days ago, so I apologize), but do we have a guestimate for 5's release? Q4 2024, Q1 2025?
  5. Hi there. We're interested in this theme, but have a couple questions before we decide on purchasing. Can the loading wheel feature be turned off? The site loads faster than it pops up, so we don't see a need for it. I noticed a custom CSS box inside the theme settings itself. Is there a difference in using that over the custom.css template? Will your other applications work seamlessly with this theme?
  6. Everything seems to be a-ok. Hoping this resolves the expired invoice issue we were having before. Thanks for the help. 🙂
  7. Ah, that's what I thought, but wanted to make sure. Let me try this and I'll check back in.
  8. I think I can save you the trouble and do this myself if you can expand on "rebuild the cache" a little bit more. I know where to find the folder, tables, and records within the core_applications table.
  9. Any way to get around this would be appreciated. I'm still unable to uninstall.
  10. I currently don't. I've been waiting over a month to regain access with no response with my server host since my old credentials are no longer working. If we can't keep the records, it wouldn't be the end of the world. However, the app is no longer working after attempting to uninstall it and it failing.
  11. No, I meant if we view the purchase history of a member on our site, will it still show when they purchased pins in the past? We currently only have 3 topics pinned which I will manually re-pin myself. Unless I go in and manually change the expired invoices to cancelled, people can't pin their topics (most of our members keep the same topic for a long time and just re-pin it multiple times) and I don't really have the time to do that, which is why I'm resorting to this option. I haven't uninstalled it yet per the error above.
  12. Thanks, but when I try to uninstall it, I receive this error.
  13. If we uninstall the app and reinstall it, will we lose purchase history on member accounts? We're still having the issue where expired invoices do not force the button to reappear within topics, so we're resorting to just doing a fresh install at this point. We've lost a lot of revenue from this in the last 3 months.
  14. @newbie LAC Just wondering if this will be updated for 4.6? We're hitting a snag with this enabled, so we've had to disable it for the time being. Our members/staff cannot create new tabs or edit existing tabs within clubs. Here's what shows in the system logs: ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function IPS\forums\_Forum::clubForm(), 1 passed in /home/***/public_html/init.php(903) : eval()'d code on line 166 and exactly 2 expected (0) #0 /home/***/public_html/init.php(903) : eval()'d code(166): IPS\forums\_Forum->clubForm(Object(IPS\Helpers\Form)) #1 /home/***/public_html/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php(1545): IPS\forums\nbtopiccover_hook_nbTopicCoverForumsForum->clubForm(Object(IPS\Helpers\Form), Object(IPS\Member\Club)) #2 /home/***/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(90): IPS\core\modules\front\clubs\_view->nodeForm() #3 /home/***/public_html/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php(120): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #4 /home/***/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\core\modules\front\clubs\_view->execute() #5 /home/***/public_html/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #6 {main}
  15. @Marc Stridgen Hm. The theme says it's compatible with 4.6, but I'll contact the author if necessary. This is what I see in postContainer before my edits. {{if $comment->author()->member_title && $comment->author()->member_id}} <li data-role='member-title' class='ipsType_break'>{$comment->author()->member_title}</li> {{elseif $comment->author()->rank['title'] && $comment->author()->member_id}} <li data-role='rank-title' class='ipsType_break'>{$comment->author()->rank['title']}</li> {{endif}} This is what I changed it to. {{if $comment->author()->rank['title'] && $comment->author()->member_id}} <li data-role='rank-title' class='ipsType_break'>{$comment->author()->rank['title']}</li> {{endif}} Is this outdated?
  16. Yes, it happens every few requests or so. It either shows a random member or it doesn't show anyone at all and says "System"
  17. The member does not have a custom title, it should only be displaying her rank, yet it is showing her old custom title when the field displays "no value" as shown in the screenshots posted above. Her rank should be showing. It is not. It is showing her old custom title that no longer exists. Even when I try to add a new custom title, it does not change. I don't know where this title is coming from because nothing is there. This issue is happening to anyone who had a custom title prior to turning on achievements. I cannot get their ranks to show. When I edit the the postcontainer template to remove the HTML that shows custom titles before ranks, instead of showing the rank that they have, it is just empty. It should not be empty; it should be displaying their rank. Xunjo's rank is Mentor. Her rank is showing correctly. She did not have a custom title before achievements were turned on. Pey's rank is Community Leader. Her rank is not showing. She had a custom title before achievements were turned on. I don't know what the actual problem is, so I don't even know if I'm explaining it correctly. @Marc Stridgen
  18. No, I haven't. I read the topic, but I don't see anything about restoring achievement earned ranks to members who previously held a custom title. Do I need to delete the retained data? What am I missing here?
  19. Update: After editing the HTML and forcing only ranks to show, It looks like anyone who might have had a custom Member Title entered at any point when the update happened will not have their rank displayed even if their Member Title is empty. Not sure how to go about resolving this.
  20. ^ Example member. Their custom member title used to be what it displays, "Head Forum Moderator", however it should say "Elite Member" because she is a VIP and no longer a moderator, but it refuses to update. ^ Even when I disable the achievement system and make sure the Member Title has no value, the old title remains. I temporarily removed her VIP status to see if it would switch to her current rank of "Community Leader" via achievements, no update. This is happening site wide.
  21. We still haven't moved over to the new achievement system because it lacks many features other 3rd party apps provided, one of them being able to categorize the badges. We have a lot of manual badges that we give out and we cannot do this efficiently without a category/sub-category system for the badge list. Please add this ASAP. Still waiting on the ability to add descriptions to badges that don't use rules, too. 🙄
  22. When attempting to move messages from any folder within the inbox, they do not go to the folder selected. Instead it seems to choose a folder at random to move the messages to, the first folder usually being the common choice. Moving the messages individually and in groups produce the same results, and the number of custom folders an account has doesn't seem to matter much either. We've been able to reproduce this issue on every account we tested it on, member and staff.
  23. Holy crap this looks good! After the backlash Instagram is facing lately, this is the one feature a lot of my members would love using on our own site. Will purchase and test this out soon!
  24. Hey @Adriano Faria I installed 1.1.0 and no one can edit profile videos unless they're admins with the ability to edit all member profiles. This is what pops up when trying it from a regular member account. All groups have permission to use and view.
  25. Not sure if anyone else has reported this issue, but there's a weird glitch I think where the person requesting the account deletion and the person who validates it via email show as two different people/accounts?
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