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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by AlanWeiss

  1. My client tells me he has uploaded videos to his forum many times but has recently been getting a 200 error when attempting to upload. 

    I have checked the server logs and don't see any recent errors, nor do I see any errors ever with a code of 200. To my knowledge, a 200 means "OK, the request has succeeded" to paraphrase it, whereas here the message being returned is something along the lines of "Sorry, an unknown server error occurred when uploading this file."

    What's going on here and what should I suggest to my client?

  2. 59 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    Thank you for updating your access information. I would recommend reaching out to your hosting provider to ask if they have any caching deployed on your server or domain. After attempting multiple things which would force the cache to reset in the software or mark properly these items as read is, unfortunately, still resulting in the same output for any member I log in as. This would indicate that some server cache is deployed and caching the page or otherwise which is resulting in what you're seeing.

    Thanks. If there is some sort of server caching happening, what is your recommendation? Should I remove all caching?

  3. 28 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    Could you please update your access details in the Client Area so we can take a look? We may need to look at a few things, including marking the site as read. 

    I'm afraid I'm not sure what that means. I don't see anything in the Client Area labelled "Access Details"

  4. 9 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    Is this happening with all accounts old and new alike? Or is it specifically happening with older accounts who have read a lot of content?

    As far as I know it's everyone. I've just put a call out to other users to let me know if they are also having the same problem 

  5. My users are having issues with the unread content feed. They read the content and then go back to the listing and see the "read" content is still there marked "unread". No matter how many times they view the content, it does not register as "read" until they log out and then login again. 

    Is there a setting I'm missing that could fix this? I'm at a bit of a loss.


    Attached a video for reference

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