@A Zayed
I have different groups w.r.t subscriptions. I need that certain group be allowed to edit profile field based on groups permissions. I know this is NOT available in IPS default.
Suppose, I have 3 groups: Editors. Contributors and Dealers. And I have 2 profile groups Personal Info and General Info. As the Editors and Contributors are normally allowed to edit their profile fields in Personal Info and General Info profile groups and that is visible to all on their author infoPane in posts. However, I want that when I create a new profile group called Dealers Info and add certain fields in that, then only Dealers member group should be able to edit and fill into that. This way, the new profile group Dealers Info should only be visible on Dealers group's author infopane in posts, and NOT on Editors or Contributors author infopane.
Is there a way to achieve this? If yes, then how?
BTW, I've purchased your plugin.