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Jason Brown_41238

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  1. @Jim M thanks for your help the merging of the accounts worked.
  2. I have a user with two accounts with the same email address that when I merge to one contact, both users still exist. second issue, is if he uses an email that he used in the past it says account exist with this email although we can't find an account that exist with that old email. It's like this user's profile and email are stuck even his old email address. I have cleared Cache P.s. when we changed the email on one user, it also changed it to that email on the second user. Any thoughts?
  3. @Randy Calvert it stops working after a two or three days. Then we have to take the API and secret key and put it back in. It's already there but we have to put it back in and save it then re-configure our SSO again. Tried a new secret key and api, same thing. As you said doesn't change that they can't help. Just kind of sucks after working and not really knowing what else to trouble shoot. May have to try a third party vendor while I wait to have conversation about cloud hosting, but even that it seems SSO is a separate charge, but maybe it's just they help you manage it. 🤷🏾‍♂️
  4. @Marc Stridgen that's good to hear, I am a lover and supporter of the software. Hopefully I hear back from sales soon though, we had the logins (customs sso) go out again after I fixed it. so something is knocking it offline randomly after working flawlessly for so many years.
  5. @Jim M I was able to go into my developer tools and reset the API and SSO, enter the secret key and what not and it started working again. But I still am looking forward to talking to sales.
  6. @Jim M this is a little disappointing to read but I'm going to contact sales and see what they say and what we can come up with. Seems like self hosted is just getting pushed out the door and so awkward for this to just stop working this weekend out of no where. Thanks for your reply.
  7. @teraßyte I purchased it through Invisionpower, it was a paid service they offered. Now I don't see where to get any support, it just directs me to this forum.
  8. Hi. to whom it may concern, I have a custom SSO that I paid for that over the weekend is not working properly to allow users to login. We have not done any updates or added or removed any new plugins. Please advise on how to get help. We have as self hosted platform.
  9. I have two questions. 1.) Can I send a specific push notification to members and if so where, or do members only get the notifications for specific post, forums, etc that they enable? 2.) When I save my site to the home screen I do not see the option to get notifications, I also do not see it in my notification settings. I have configured manifest. What am I missing?
  10. Thanks so much, I found it. Like @PatrickRQ is there a way to set it to use the editor? Otherwise I'm not sure how we would use HTML functionality, like if I want an image, or link people can click? It says it's supports html, but is there a way to do it on screen and not go somewhere and write the code and come back and copy and paste?
  11. Hi I just purchased, I am not sure where to access the global settings? Can someone please advise?
  12. Thanks @Adriano Faria and @Jim M some how there was a lock on the permissions, no one on my team said they touched it but who knows. I had to uncheck all the permissions then save, then re-check all the permissions. Thanks for the insight. So weird it was the only forum it happened to.
  13. Hi team, I'm getting this error code as an admin. It doesn't say the post is missing or deleted, just says we do not have permission to view it which is odd which also means my members do not have permission to view it. Any ideas here? I could repost the post but it will lose all the comments on it as it is one of our long running post that all new members use as well as old ones. Any insight would be appreciated
  14. Thank you all so much for your insights. Yes even though we update the videos in the post to be new, the post date gives it the appearance and feel as if someone just signed up for old content that's all. So far it seems not worth the headache, but the plugin @opentype mentioned may be a viable option so that we can show which post/modules were updated a the very minimum.
  15. @Mark H thanks for your reply. I'm assuming if I travel down this road and remove it from the theme it will remove it from all forums and post? and not just from specific ones?
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