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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Fosters

  1. There's already a link/button
  2. A new version was released Changehistory
  3. Thanks everybody. I've indeed located a bug in the ModCP code. An update is on it's way:)
  4. Sure, please just create a new member with ACP access , send me a PM with the credentials and URL and I’ll look at this ASAP. (that’s faster then I PM you, you me back asking to register at site x, getting Login credentials, running in circles 😂) thx
  5. No, I've just registered on his board to investigate this further.
  6. This is going to appear only on the phone because the link won’t work on desktops . That’s sadly a whatsapp limit
  7. Strange. I have no idea why it would take that long to install. Let me know if you’re experiencing any issues.
  8. @Girays issue was our trophies tab, which called \IPS\Module::get('trophies','modulename') which works for everybody.. BUT, your plugin is calling the tab extensions (which are meant to be called only from the frontend), from the ACP, so the module can't be found. I have adjusted now my code and passed the 3rd parameter for the "area" to search for a frontend module. /** * Get a module * * @param string $app * @param string $key * @param string|NULL $area * @return \IPS\Application\Module * @throws \OutOfRangeException */ public static function get( $app, $key, $area=NULL ) I guess this could be useful for other coders too..
  9. If anybody is missing the positions on the list or in the ModCP , please review the settings and ensure that these settings are enabled: I can't reproduce this. When I remove the permission to apply, I'm getting the proper error returned: Could I get ACP access to take a look?
  10. Could you explain this further please?
  11. Are your permissions set correct? 1. Check the Mod permissions 2. Check the application form permissions. Please also make sure that the form has "List on the application forms ModCP page" enabled!
  12. No, the bookmark link should be replaced with a "remove_bookmark" link
  13. Any chance to send me a PM with the url to your board to take a look? I really can’t reproduce it on my dev board 😞
  14. I like this idea 🙂 A new version was released. Changehistory It's centered for me with the default theme.
  15. Kind of. They're only used on the Trophies Overview Page on the frontend.
  16. Did you set the mod permissions for the admins which are allowed to view the submissions? I have also improved the error messages, "2applicationform" isn't really helpful to anybody here^^
  17. Are you using the last IPS version? This was an bug in IPS which was fixed in 4.4.2
  18. How many trophies do you have? I have removed the error logging for the next release. It's causing more confusion, then helping to investigate issues. Couldn't you create several categories for medals and just place them there? Since all your trading cards are medals, it should work:) Yea, we canceled the plans to merge trophies and medals, it was just too much work and a scary upgrade step which I didn't want to risk:(
  19. Could you please explain this further? We have already categories, so I’m really sorry and I guess it’s because of the language barrier, but I don’t understand what you’re really asking for. Sorry 😐
  20. Could I please get ACP access to take a look at this?
  21. Do you see any logged errors in the system log?
  22. 1&2 we’ve coded a custom version of this app with both features , but it won’t work out of the box with this app
  23. Are you using the latest version? This shouldn’t happen anymore
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