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Everything posted by Fosters

  1. The long version wasn't meant to include such long strings, but I guess that it could be handy🤣
  2. A new version was released Changehistory
  3. Isn't this already possible? My board has it exactly there:D Will take a look at this tomorrow.
  4. A new version was released Changehistory
  5. Yea, the button is visible if following setting is enabled AND if the member has mod permissions for ""Can award Medals to members" I guess the setting doesn't make any sense, I'l remove it for 2.1.0
  6. You seem to be a nice & fair guy:) I've sent you a PM with the application. Feel free to install it and to test it on your own board. If you're not happy with it, just uninstall it, if you're happy with it, please purchase it from the marketplace:)
  7. There's no awards tab;) You're probably using the wrong application, the tab from this app is called Trophies and Medals.
  8. Either via the ACP or the Create Menu. In the ACP, there's a button on the page where you edit the medals
  9. You could also use for any members which join in 2020 Some other examples: Unfortunately it's not THAT easy to understand the expression code yet, that's why we're working on a better documentation, but hopefully there's also going to be an UI in a future version.
  10. There was one but meeh, I’m not interested into this. you can recreate the medals with the same rules app criteria or just stand alone criteria from this app. that said, there’s also something BIG coming in the next months which is actually being tested by 5 users here... which is going to change everything 😂
  11. I've added a new setting which will allow the admin to show ALL available trophies on the member profiles. This means that earned and unearned trophies and medals will be shown. The unearned items will be greyed out. This output will also respect the sort order which was defined in the ACP. A mockup for the next version (still WIP , I'll probably show 2 items per row to not waste all the space since most people won't have long descriptions) Which will result in:
  12. You'll have to modify the template and remove / adjust whatever you want. Unfortunately I can't help with such questions.
  13. That's an oversight. I'll make sure to include it in the next release
  14. Did the last release resolve this for you?
  15. Sorry, there was limited support in topics and PMs due to deadly man flu🤧 No, that's not possible with this application.
  16. Please make sure that you've set the moderator permission.
  17. What’s the exact error?
  18. A new version was released. Changehistory:
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