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Everything posted by Fosters

  1. A new version was released. Changehistory
  2. This was a cache issue. Thanks for confirmation that it’s fixed now for you @Dean_ . I’m really glad that it’s fixed at least for one guy😂 could i get your ACP login credentials to investigate this further @Mr. Fierce God
  3. A new version was released. Changehistory
  4. Any way to reproduce this? I was able to locate and fix the missing template bugs, but I have no idea what's happening here Everything else was fixed for the next release. probably with custom coding.
  5. It's a RC ( release candidate ) so didn't want to set the 4.4 tag yet.
  6. I haven't noticed this myself, but thanks for the report. I'll test this myself and ensure it's fixed for the next release.
  7. A new version was released. Changehistory It supports only one instance.
  8. thx, fixed now too:D A new version was released. Changehistory
  9. Is there any error are they just not appearing? Yea sorry, too busy and it doesn't make any sense to take a job when I exactly know that I can't accomplish it in a fair timeframe.
  10. It's something what I have indeed on my todo list for the upcoming release.
  11. A new version was released. Changehistory thx to @Kieran Preece
  12. I was wrong, there's indeed no easy way to find the key if you're not a developer. I'm going to improve this in the next version and will probably show the key next to the template name in the ACP > Customization > Emails table.
  13. I have reuploaded RC3, it included some deprecated files.
  14. With the recent RC3 files?:( The code changed I've sent you a PM
  15. No, there's no difference. I'll take a look at this this weekend.
  16. A screenshot of the form and the notices_notice database table with the date_criteria could help probably.
  17. You should see it on the Email templates page. I'm on my phone, will reply to this later with further instructions.
  18. It's 4.4 compatible 🙂
  19. I'm sorry for this. A new version was uploaded, could you give it a try?
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