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Posts posted by Jean-Philippe

  1. 4 minutes ago, Randy Calvert said:

    Even though it's on the same physical server, the Apache configs and directives might be different.  It's a server issue to to get rewrites working.  


    Both servers were configured at the same time and before updating the database on the test server this morning, it was working correctly, that's what I can't figure out 😞



  2. 17 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    I would suggest removing any custom rewrites other than what is in the download for ACP -> System -> Search Engine Optimization -> Rewrite URLs? 

    I replaced the .htaccess file with a .htaccess file that contains what is in the download for ACP -> System -> Search Engine Optimization -> Rewrite URLs ... But still the same problem 😞


  3. 8 minutes ago, Randy Calvert said:

    Did you make sure the new host meets all the system requirements

    Yes, the two servers are identical (same harware/software).

    10 minutes ago, Randy Calvert said:

    htaccess is not working

    ? ... htaccess is running and identical in the two servers.

    But friendly URLs does not work on astrosurf.us ! ... And if I desactivade "Friendly URLs"  ("Search Engine Optimization" on ACP), site works fine ...

    12 minutes ago, Randy Calvert said:

    You might want to check if the new server is allowing mod_rewrite

    mod_rewrite is running ...

  4. Our website astrosurf.us is a backup/miror copy of astrosurf.com (our public site)

    Both sites are installed on two totally identical dedicated servers (same hardware and software configurations).

    Our goal is to test the upgrade from the version we are currently using (V 4.2.8) to version 4.7.9 .

    astrosurf.us was built as follows:

    - Full copy of the astrosurf.com/web folder to astrosurf.us/web with the same access rights for files and directories

    - Copy and restore the last MySQL database

    - Update of the conf_global.php file

    - Clean the cache

    We had already done this operation in the past, but this time, everything works correctly for blogs, clubs, ... , but forums are not accessible anymore.

    Look like a problem of friendly URL (?) ... But I do not find solution ...

    At this time, for purpose tests, the 2 websites are publicly reachable.

    Thanks for your help.

  5. 26 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    This is a topic from a long time ago. The issue you are likely having, is very likely bugs. You appear to be on a very old release there

    Yes, we are on version 4.6.10

    We are just preparing the switch to the latest version ... But as it is a big site, we always do tests before changing version. Our tests are done on a server strictly identical to the production server (it is a mirror server updated every day). On this server we have a copy of the production site (so it's a test site with the "test site" license).

    On the test site it is impossible to do the update, because the update process apparently makes a cache cleaning ... after which it is not possible to do anything.

    Since yesterday, after some investigations, it seems that the problem comes from the "Friendly URLS" (if I totally deactivate the friendly URLS the site works correctly, even after emptying the cache, but then impossible to reactivate the "Friendly URLS" : the 1S160/2 error reappears).

    As long as this problem persists on the test site, I can't consider trying to update the site in production 😞 , so I'm looking to see if this problem is known and if there is a solution before generating a support ticket.

    Thank you for your help.






  6. Taman,
    I'm about to finish (re)configuring our existing website with your theme, but there are a few details I would appreciate some help with:
    1. Is it possible to reduce the height of the main navigation bar (not the font size, only the height of the bar).
    2. Same thing for the secondary Navigation Bar
    3. How to change the background color of the search field (by default #1B1C21) and the color of its border.

    Thank you very much for your help.

    Best regards ... and congratulations again for this fantastic theme !

  7. Thank you Taman for your quick answer ...
    Just don't found the "two color settings in front-end colors tab" ... could you please tell me the labels of these settings ? ... (Unsuccessfully searched labels like "read/unread" items ...).

  8. First of all, congratulations talman for this theme which seems to be well designed and very configurable and which I am testing before its installation on the site of a large community.
    However, I have some basic questions for which I have not found an answer:

    1. How to modify forum icons?
    2. Can I put different icons for each forum?
    3. How to change the color of a forum icon depending on whether there are new unread posts or not.

    Thank you in advance for your help.

    Best regards,

  9. Hi,

    The plugin work fine, but ... there is a strange bug :

    • when the plugin is active, in all posts of our forums, links to gallery's images are broken
    • when the plugin is desactivated, eveything is OK

    This bug has been detected by IPS support team which suggest to desactivate the plugin.
    If you can't reproduce this strange behavior, I can send you more details by PM


  10. Hi
    I have just downloaded and installed the latest version of StickyNotes on my website.
    Everything works fine with the default theme, but no notes are displayed with other themes such as "(VN41) Veizor Dark" (our default theme)
    Do you have any idea what I can do to use StickyNotes on a theme like VeizorDark?

    My website : http://www.astrosurf.com
    I can provide you with access to our site (as a regular member) if you request it by private message.

    Best regards

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