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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. Something seems odd about what is happening here so I have moved this to a ticket to get this further evaluated. You will receive an email detailing any further correspondence.
  2. This is something we're looking into, you can check this topic here for updates:
  3. This would be related to your other ticket where you're missing Javascript files on your server. Once we resolve that, it should also resolve this but if not, please feel free to reply back here.
  4. Unfortunately, not all areas are directly editable by the Easy Mode editor like you're trying to perform. As well, others may reference off of other colors which you have set. Additionally, I'm afraid, customization of themes is outside our scope of support. I can move this to our community support forum so you can further receive the information you are seeking here in modifying your theme.
  5. I would still advise upgrading to Beta 2, then we can take a further look at this.
  6. Seems there are few missing Javascript files on your server. I would suggest upload a fresh set of files from your Client Area. As Beta 2 was released, this may require an upgrade. Please let us know if that does not help.
  7. To confirm, all files/folders are owned by the correct user/groups for your server?
  8. Has this only happened since you upgraded to 4.6.10 Beta 1? Could you please upgrade to Beta 2 then test the RSS import again?
  9. Please be advised I have marked this to a developer for further review here to see if there is anything further that they would recommend validating on your server.
  10. We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  11. I'm afraid, there is no estimate we can provide as every community is different.
  12. We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  13. test Working fine here ^ Is this on your community or here?
  14. The manual action required is due to issues on your server that prevented the auto-upgrader from extracting the files itself. You will need to ensure that the owner/group of all folders/files are correct for your server. Then also check to ensure that your server is able to move files from /tmp to your installation directory.
  15. Please provide screenshots in English if you get stuck again and we can help ensure everything is setup correctly.
  16. After you setup the Facebook API is it not working on previous or new posts?
  17. All file storage configurations that are in use in ACP -> System -> Files -> Storage Settings -> Configurations have valid paths?
  18. Likely one of these cache templates were corrupted or otherwise missing. You will want to check to see if your server went over it's disk quota during this issue. I have removed the old cache templates so new ones will generate when you enable it again. However, if you are going over a storage disk quota, I would not advise enabling it till you get that resolved.
  19. Excellent! Glad to hear that your issue is resolved and you were able to get to the bottom of it 🙂 .
  20. Unfortunately, looking at the stack trace there that you've provided, this is directly related to the Perscom third party application which you have installed. You will want to contact the author for further assistance.
  21. Sorry, there are no settings in the software to control this. It would require a customization of the software in way of a theme or plugin edit. Unfortunately, these items are outside our scope of support. I am happy to move this to the community support forum if you would like?
  22. Sorry, this is not in the default software and would require a third party plugin or customization of some sort. I am happy to move this to our community support forum if you'd like?
  23. At this time, we have not fully claimed support for 8.1. Testing is still something which we have on our to-do list.
  24. Yes, each author will add in their Marketplace listing how they wish to conduct official support for their add-on. This author seems to support both that topic or a message. As seen in the below screenshot:
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