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Everything posted by TAMAN

  1. Hello, This is not a error comes from this theme. if it does then it is only on your side and you should either revert your template edits or reinstall the theme. If you haven't edited any templates in this theme, then disable all apps and plugins to see which one causes this error
  2. Hello, You could edit the html codes and add a text then with css customzie it. However, I cant help you with that, you need to do it on your own
  3. You can have two copies of the theme installed, and rename them however you want. dark and light. then users can change your site theme from bottom of the site to whichever they want 🙂
  4. Oh, I will fix it later Thank you 🙂
  5. There is a custom tickers field in the settings. just add the link in there like so <a href="https://twitter.com" rel="external" target="_blank">My Twitter</a>
  6. Not possible sorry, maybe on next theme update. I cant promise you tho. any problems?
  7. You can with css force the image to always show the full size like so .ta_themeSlider .swiper-slide .slide-bg { background-size: contain; } thats the only solution
  8. Just add my code in your theme custom.css and change the color code isn't that what you looking for??
  9. I thought you meant by profile background "profile cover" background. Add this in custom.css and change the background color code to what you like body.ipsApp.ipsApp_front[data-pagemodule="members"][data-pagecontroller="profile"]:before { background-image: none; /* url(https://ipskit.com/uploads/monthly_2018_12/cobalt-blue.jpg.37cd1d0….jpg); */ background-color: #000000; }
  10. Hi, In the theme resources page find the image and then replace it with your own image 🙂
  11. Pleas try to disable apps/plugins to check if one causes the issue because the theme has no issues like that You can also check the demo site and test https://ipskit.com/
  12. I will check it out tonight 🙂
  13. Hello, I checked your website and it does not start in the middle 😕 everything works fine what browser are you using?
  14. .ipsApp.ipsApp_front #ipsLayout_contentArea { background-color: {hextorgb="area_background" opacity="0.80"}; }
  15. large db. not a lot of traffic but ok Please do 🙂 otherwise i can check it out if you send me a login info with access to Plugins pages
  16. Do you have a link to check your website? And do you have any kind of custom blocks? with html, js...etc codes in it? No one reported something like that and im personally using the advanced footer with most of the app feeds, no problems at all. also, the gallery feed block are not full sized images in footer block, you can check them out. -- Sorry for the late reply, Please mention my name when post somethin in my topics because i do not get any notifications unless my name is mentioned or quoted
  17. Add this in custom.css #ipsLayout_footer { background: {hextorgb="footer_crbackground" opacity="0.80"}; } Sorry for the late reply Just mention my name when post in my topics otherwise i get no notifications of new posts 😕
  18. Yea this happens because as i said the file storage on your site is different, files you upload are not uploaded in your site and i have no idea if it is a bug with custom image upload filed in pages because it should automatically set the correct uploaded file path 😕 Anyway, you will need to edit the clan logo field and edit the code to set the uploaded images path manually. if you cant do it then send me a login info with access to pages databases and fields page i will do it for you when i have time. Sorry for the late reply, i never get any notification when someone posts in my topics unless my name is mentioned or quoted Thanks 🙂
  19. Hello, Check the widget tab in the theme settings
  20. Hello, It does not look like this by default have you changed colors? Try to revert what you have changed. Some of the the code quote colors are located in Topics tab in the theme settings 🙂
  21. Hello, You buy it once and then in the settings go to the palette tab and switch to dark,light...etc color schemes 🙂 not sure if thats what you wanted to know
  22. Hello, Disable all your applications and plugins to check which one causes this error because its not from themes. Please download latest version of Pages Article Styles and install it again. Remember to delete the old version, Check the documentation file on how to update or install everything is nicely explained with screenshots
  23. Yea so there has been so many changes now 🙂
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