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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by TAMAN

  1. That would depend on the theme if you provide more information i could help with some css better with a link
  2. Not sure what is that or why would Magnum Theme has anything to do with two factor Auth! if you have edited your templates then you need to revert them back to default. I haven't changed anything in this theme and it does not miss any code 🙂 Sorry for the late reply, I will check it out later and get back to you thanks for reporting 🙂
  3. Not centered might be because the user info panel in Magnum Theme is a little bigger than the default theme you can change the size in Topic View tab in theme settings. Edit: I just looked and they are perfectly centered. 🙂
  4. You need to remove it then 🙂 this what causes the big spacing
  5. Yes and yes but this requires template edits and i do not provide support for that as it breaks theme updating. I provide support for small customizations and mainly css modification only 🙂
  6. You have some custom css codes that causes this. #groupIcon img.ipsUserPhoto_small { width: 32px; height: auto; left: -6px; margin-top: -10px !important; }
  7. I was sad now I'm happy 😃 Thank you for checking it out! Cheers
  8. Probably yes as Im using the same methods to save cookies 😄 i will check it out later
  9. The user choice does save in in the cookies but i will test it out today 🙂 Thanks for the the suggestion 🙂I
  10. Sure thing .ipsWidget.ipsWidget_vertical .ipsWidget_title, .ipsWidget.ipsWidget_horizontal .ipsWidget_title, .ipsType_sectionTitle { font-size: 14px; }
  11. Hi, I dont have any theme settings to change widget font size 😕 but I THINK this theme used to have it before, and now its removed "Not on latest version" for whatever the reason was. thats probably why it doesn't work on your side, because deleted theme settings would still exist on your side when you update the theme but have no effect. anyway, just ignore that setting. when you re-install the theme one day they will be gone 🙂 But i can help you out if you want to change the widgets font size and happy new year! 🙂
  12. Hello, none of these has anything to do with magnum theme. you have a bunch of js errors and they are probably due your outdated apps or plugins please update your apps and plugins
  13. Hi, I just re-uploaded the theme in marketplace and fixed it 🙂
  14. You're welcome! Thank you for the 5 star rating 🙂 I had to replace some css animation related to opacity effect on hover which is what caused the jittering. don't worry you wont notice any differences in the style 😉
  15. 0VERSION 1.0.2 -Swiper Slider Using latest swiper slider CDN links for latest versions. Minor bug fixes in Safari browser. -You can now add "Contact Us" button inside the sticky social bar. A seeting to enable that was added to Social Links theme settings tab. -Cleaning up some CSS jitters. -Replaced default Editor icon's with Font Awesome icons. -Minor adjustments and bug fixes.
  16. VERSION 1.0.6 -Swiper Slider Using latest swiper slider CDN links for latest versions. Minor bug fixes in Safari browser. -You can now add "Contact Us" button inside the sticky social bar. A seeting to enable that was added to Social Links theme settings tab. -Replaced default Editor icon's with Font Awesome icons. -Minor adjustments and bug fixes.
  17. VERSION 1.2.5 -Swiper Slider Using latest swiper slider CDN links for latest versions. Minor bug fixes in Safari browser. -You can now add "Contact Us" button inside the sticky social bar. A seeting to enable that was added to Social Links theme settings tab. -Replaced default Editor icon's with Font Awesome icons. -Minor adjustments and bug fixes.
  18. VERSION 1.2.5 -Swiper Slider Using latest swiper slider CDN links for latest versions. Minor bug fixes in Safari browser. -You can now add "Contact Us" button inside the sticky social bar. A seeting to enable that was added to Social Links theme settings tab. -Replaced default Editor icon's with Font Awesome icons. -Minor adjustments and bug fixes.
  19. VERSION 4.2.4 -Swiper Slider Using latest swiper slider CDN links for latest versions. Minor bug fixes in Safari browser. -You can now add "Contact Us" button inside the sticky social bar. A seeting to enable that was added to Social Links theme settings tab. -Replaced default Editor icon's with Font Awesome icons. -Minor adjustments and bug fixes.
  20. VERSION 4.2.5 -Swiper Slider Using latest swiper slider CDN links for latest versions. Minor bug fixes in Safari browser. -You can now add "Contact Us" button inside the sticky social bar. A seeting to enable that was added to Social Links theme settings tab. -Replaced default Editor icon's with Font Awesome icons. -Minor adjustments and bug fixes.
  21. i added a setting for that in the new version, you might need to revert the changes i gave you about this. during theme update you need to select the new version of templates when asked 🙂
  22. VERSION 4.2.7 -Swiper Slider Using latest swiper slider CDN links for latest versions. Minor bug fixes in Safari browser. -You can now add "Contact Us" button inside the sticky social bar. A seeting to enable that was added to Social Links theme settings tab. -Cleaning up some CSS jitters. -Replaced default Editor icon's with Font Awesome icons. -Minor adjustments and bug fixes.
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