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Everything posted by TAMAN

  1. Hi Please use a div, li, span or something else otherthan <font> element
  2. it will hide on all sliders 🙂
  3. you can only hide that with a custom css add in custom.css .slide-contents {display:none} =
  4. A screenshot can help 🙂 Sorry I have no idea what u mean I can always help and underestand better with Screenshots otherwise I don't know what this "text box" is
  5. Hello, Have you updated the theme to latest version? If you have updated your theme to latest version but still looks like this... Then this means u have selected to use old template versions during theme upgrade. In this case u need to reinstall the theme to fix it. If you don't want to reinstall the theme because of customizations... You can make a copy of the theme and then delete it ( you need to delete the one with IPS Marketplace tag on it) After that reinstall the theme from ips marketplace and if u have any customizations u don't want to lose simply copy paste from the version u copied 🙂
  6. Hi, By default this is how the mobile version designed in IPS 4.5.x Mobile version of the theme is not modified in this theme which means the shape is the same Sorry I have no idea what color u mean Post a link and explain which color u mean Or post a Screenshot that points to the element color 🙂
  7. Hi, Please be patient this plugin will be updated for ips 4.5.x soon 🙂
  8. sorry this should work .ta_back-to-top { left: auto; right: 25px; }
  9. sure add in custom.css .ta_back-to-top { right: 25px; }
  10. Hi, Yes this means you haven't updated the templates globalTemplate and navBar template needs to be updated for the theme to work properly. This two templates are the only ones modified by me if you have any other modified templates you will need to check them manually. But there are also a bunch of custom templates in Magnum Theme they also need to be updated A quick solution to save u the headache Make a copy of your current theme Then delete the original theme. (The one with ips marketplace tag on it.) After that reinstall Magnum Theme from ips marketplace. And then if you have customizations you don't want to lose like colors or whatever... simply copy paste from the version you copied
  11. Sorry i forgot to reply to this one The white area is the section title bar background
  12. Hi, yes its compatible once you buy it for first time then the renewal is (optionally) $15 every 6 months
  13. Hi, This is Section Title Bar color located in widgets & titles tab @zelgadis I can not reproduce the issue on my side. try to delete the template ta_themes_pages_slider ACP > Pages > Templates then re-download it from magnum theme in marketplace upload it again and reset the block
  14. I do not think this is an issue with theme! The logo was always centered on top of the theme shape I will be happy to help with small css customizations if you explain what you want to do with the logo exactly
  15. Hi, It's on my list for today's work and it will also be uploaded in marketplace hopfully ^^
  16. I have fixed the color mix in the newer version but it's not yet updated in marketplace. If anyone else have this issue Simply click the light color scheme in theme settings palette tab and then change the Editor Toolbar Icon color to something dark or whatever u want Taman
  17. Which background color? a screenshot that points can help Which border color? maybe point to the element in a screenshot There is no logo size setting anymore you might also have many more unused settings its better if you reinstall your theme
  18. You will need to use css variables like so background-color: rgb( var(--theme-widget_bg) );
  19. Hi There are no issues with it but i can agree it is confusing to work with it at this time Clicking any of the palette options will automatically copy a preset of color values to your theme color options Which means you will lose the customization's if you dont save the theme You will need to click Export button and then Save the theme. Sorry for that, the default option was supposed to be deleted it does not do anything
  20. Hi, Sorry i dont quite understand whats the problem or why is it confusing the dark/light switcher is connected with number 1 and number 2 of color schemes if you want to switch to other color schemes like 3,4,5 then re-click the dark/light switcher to open the palette and then select another color
  21. @AlexWright Hi, Please report the issue to IPS 🙂
  22. But what is the problem? why does it not work? nothing shows after installing or is the problem something else?
  23. add in custom.css .ipsWidget.ipsWidget_vertical {margin-top: 0;}
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